What type of Baptist are you?
IFB--Mostly non Cal being 4-Pt Arminian
SBC--Mostly non Cal being 4-Pt Arminian
Reformed Baptist
Calvinistic Baptist--Plenty of those around for example (Christ Fellowship Baptist Church in Mobile, AL).
Free Will Baptist
American Baptist
Landmark Baptist
Primitive Baptists
I sure hope there are no Free Will or American Baptists here. My guess most here are either SBC, IFB, Calvinistic, or Reformed baptists.
Two questions seem to be being addressed:
1) What kind of Baptist is the responding person and,
2) What kind of Baptist Church does the responding person attend.
Answer for question 1: I am a 1 point Calvinist, (OSAS) and a two point Arminian, (Christ died for all mankind, and God elects individuals for salvation based on crediting their faith as righteousness.) I differ from both Arminian and Calvinist doctrine in that I believe we are chosen individually for salvation during our lifetime, not before the foundation of the world. Thus I believe Ephesians 1:4 refers to our corporate election as the target group of God's redemption plan, formulated before the foundation of the world. I also believe fallen men of flesh can understand the milk of the gospel, but being without the indwelling of the Spirit, cannot understand spiritual meat.
Answer to question 2:
I attend a non-denominational church affiliated with Conservative Baptists. Its doctrine splits the difference on election, asserting we are chosen individually before creation, yet, mysteriously, we come to faith autonomously. The "its a mystery but both are true" rationale. It believes Christ died for all men, not just the elect. When I teach (or contribute in small group settings) I am careful to adhere to our "What we believe" doctrinal statement and to never undercut our pastoral staff presentations from the pulpit.