Now that the [HASHTAG]#NeverTrump[/HASHTAG] movement is irrelevant I believe we need a new title to identify, define and distinguish them from the conservatives which are part of the new movement which elected Trump.
It is apparent “they” (those adamantly against supporting conservative values as long as they are not 100% satisfied with the qualities of the POTUS) now need a new title to define their new movement which continues to claim themselves as conservatives but are “never” going to support any viable action promoting those values.
IOW’s: Now that their movement to hinder the only viable opposition to Hillary Clinton has failed it seems many will continue on their path and conform their attack toward the New Republican Administration as they pretend to hold to conservative values but while they go about parroting the daily liberal spin and supporting their new path of an obstructionist agenda.
Since the [HASHTAG]#NeverTrumpers[/HASHTAG] are not for “us” (the “conservative movement” being they are more than happy to deny Trump is even conservative even in light of his SCOTUS picks, abortion stance, cabinet picks, stances on immigration, environment, taxes, etc., etc.) but rather are actively against us it shouldn’t be that difficult to conclude that we should disown them as they have disowned us.
…Well, I could go on and on about how we didn’t need them to stop the undeniable devastation a Hillary Clinton administration would have brought upon our country and conservative values and how that makes their “movement” insignificant. But that is all a given and rather unimportant right now. It is what it is.
I’m just wondering what those who claim not to be liberals, yet who don’t take viable action to uphold conservative values, who constantly parrot liberal media spin while attacking the newly formed Republican Party and its Commander in Chief, and are now obviously jumping on the path of supporting the obstructionist agenda of the Leftist should be calling their movement now?
Now, some of the [HASHTAG]#ExNeverTrumpers[/HASHTAG] have basically admitted that they are happy to be “insignificant” while going about to continue whining and crying with the liberals who lost the last election. Example: “I'm more than happy to be an "insignificant bystander...”
For that person I have suggested the [HASHTAG]#InsignificantBystanderParty[/HASHTAG], but I’m sure we all could heads together and come up something better than that. I mean, for one, “insignificant” doesn’t really take into account the annoyances of their unmistakable alliances with the Liberal Media Spin while claiming to be conservative but obviously holding hands with the Obstructionist and walking side by side on the paths with the Progressive Liberal agenda which new sole purposes in life are out to cause as much division as possible over the issues facing our country.
So, (1) Do the [HASHTAG]#NeverTrumpers[/HASHTAG] need a new title? And (2) If so, what should it be?