From what I've read, there are a number of actions Obama can do to lower fuel costs. But he is not interested in doing that. He believes America should run on alternative energy. Sadly, as we have found out from the billions lost in green ideas promoted by the President, alternative is not ready for prime time use. And often times government picking winners and losers leads to crony capitalism.
Yesterday the President's main idea mentioned in an energy speech for lower gas costs was further development of algae oil for diesel vehicles. I recall looking into this idea myself 10 years ago. From what I recall, the oil could work in the summer months, but during winter time with cooler weather, the oil is likely to gum up engines. That is something that can be overcome, plugging cars in to heat the oil tank, but an inconvenience.
Like so many green ideas, sounds neat in theory, but in practice hard to imagine the idea of producing large quantities of oil from algae cheaply working out. It will be touted as a fuel of the future, and my guess is in 50 years we will be saying the same things about algae oil, sometime in the future.
"Growing Solyndra Green Scandal Is Just One of Many"
Yesterday the President's main idea mentioned in an energy speech for lower gas costs was further development of algae oil for diesel vehicles. I recall looking into this idea myself 10 years ago. From what I recall, the oil could work in the summer months, but during winter time with cooler weather, the oil is likely to gum up engines. That is something that can be overcome, plugging cars in to heat the oil tank, but an inconvenience.
Like so many green ideas, sounds neat in theory, but in practice hard to imagine the idea of producing large quantities of oil from algae cheaply working out. It will be touted as a fuel of the future, and my guess is in 50 years we will be saying the same things about algae oil, sometime in the future.
"Growing Solyndra Green Scandal Is Just One of Many"
...Other Solyndras are coming to light, the latest being Sapphire Energy. Its pond-scum-based biofuel still costs over $26 a gallon, but that doesn't matter when your executives give almost solely to Democrats.
The Washington Free Beacon reports that after $104.5 million in stimulus and other Energy and Agriculture Department funds for a New Mexico facility, it can boast just 36 new jobs. UC Berkeley's Energy Biosciences Institute says it'll take a decade before we know if algae-based fuel can compete with gas.
The Washington Post recently found "$3.9 billion in federal grants and financing flowed to 21 companies backed by firms with connections to five Obama administration staffers and advisers."
Revelations of Obama's green waste and corruption may have only just begun.