I wouldn't say inspired in the way that the human authors of scripture were inspired. I believe they were far superior in their ability to translate the manuscript evidence than anyone since then. I believe in providential preservation; therefore, I believe God was indeed involved.
Well, actually, many of those men also believed that the "cure" for migraine & other severe headaches was trepanning, that is, cutting a hole in the skull to let the "had humours" escape, & that unicorns & satyrs existed. (Not out of stupidity, but from lack of knowledge.) We have far-better tools for translation and many more manuscripts available than the AV men had.
But I agree that GOD was involved in the AV's making, same as He was in the making of every English Bible translation from those of Aelfric of Eynsham (C.955 AD - C.1010) to the ESV.
I DO NOT agree He is limited to but one English translation of His word.
Given the multiple English meanings of many Hebrew, Aramaic, & Koine Greek words & phrases, I believe reading multiple translations gives us a better overview of all Scripture, as God gives different "nuggets" of intel to each individual translator.