Here’s the problem, Evan.Oh and you need to stop ASSUMING that I am reading more into human authors than I am scripture. Scripture is the authority plain and simple but God provided teachers to teach us and scholars write books.
When you start with someone telling you that the ink blot is a bat, it is exceedingly difficult to see anything but a bat. NEVER start with commentary.
Regardless of what Internet Theologian tells you, God does not choose contemporary human authors as his mouthpiece. These commentators are giving you their assessments and their conclusions. What you and IT are doing is putting yourselves over Scripture. You read something that you agree with, and then you determine that God somehow gave them the gift of correct interpretation above and beyond all other views. You and IT discern who to exempt from this special revelation. It is not that I disagree with those authors, I disagree with you assuming that role.
Think of it this way. If God gifted John MacArthur with this special revelation of supernatural discernment that Internet Theologian speaks of, and MacArthur is wrong just one time, then God is inconsistent. We never know when MacArthur is speaking as the vicar of Christ or just giving his view. And since MacArthur has disagreed with Metzger on covenant theology, and with Comfort on the focus of New Testament evangelism, then at least one of them is a false teacher. And so are you for advocating the teachings of all three.
Do you see how confused it gets when you place so much on the words, interpretations, and ideas of men? We start with Scripture, prayerfully engage the Word of God, come to a conclusion, and then move on to commentary.....never start there. We still may make a mistake because we are yet perfected. But at least we hold an understanding, and not just an answer; we have comprehension and not just definition. You are doing things backwards and you will never be able to discern scripture that way.
To reiterate - commentators....good commentators are excellent tools. But they do not "trump" the view of anyone else. By that logic, if my education level is above yours (and it is) then I have nothing to learn from you (which is not necessarily true). Men are fallible, imperfect creatures. Christians are moving towards perfection. But we ain't there yet. Stick to the Word of God, use commentators, but rest upon Scripture and you'll be far better off.
Why do you believe the doctrine of sonship to be eternal and how do you define sonship?
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