One guy (maybe?) From the first 1000 years of church history isn't much support. And even if the roots of pre-trib rapture seem to go back that far, so what? The roots of the Jehovah's Witness Heresy go back to the Arianism heresy.
Uh...The OP neither asked YOU nor I to debate the strengths and weaknesses of Pre-Trib Rapturalism...It was a question about HISTORY genius....It's HISTORY!!!!
I didn't "defend" Pre-tribism im my post...because....the OP didn't ask me to!!!! So, who on Earth rattled YOUR CAGE about whether you like Pre-trib or not??? You weren't asked...and neither was I...
The Thread OP asked a legit question, and it was and I quote:
was it really just past 200 years than?
I supplied an answer which was researched, and I povided links, and
I added a disclaimer <----Something I KNOW un-equivocally you would NEVER do about it's source. The OP was the
origin of Pre-trib Rapturalism. I wasn't debating the truth of "Pre-Trib Rapturalism"....I responded to the OP as requested...I spoke to it's "ORIGINS"....I wasn't trying to "proove" truth of it...I was supplying some legit answer to the OP.
You have Added NOTHING to the OP....You have supplied ZILCH information about the origin of Pre-Trib Rapturalism...but, you feel like yacking about why you aren't "Pre-Trib"....great...good for you.:sleeping_2: start a thread that no one will bother going to...:thumbs:
I answered his OP question directly, historically and honestly, and you cry like a girl about it.....:tear: Go Away dude.