Noah and family were taken up in the waters. Enoch and Elijah were taken up to heaven.
Not sure what that means. All of His people will be Raptured. They won't be here in the Trib to do anything. There will be 2 witnesses, and 144,000 Jews and angels preaching to them. We are gone. Now even if you were correct and the Rapture was mid point in the Tribulation, all the new converts in that time would also be Raptured, leaving us in the same situation.
The plagues were only for the Egyptians if you recall. The Hebrews were protected by the blood of the Lamb. If anything those plagues on the wicked foreshadowed the judgments on the wicked world in the end time. Yes Israel is included because they are part of that wicked world. Only when they get saved will they also be protected.
The wicked are not killed until Jesus returns to Judge nations. The new believers in the final part of the Tribulation will see things (if they live) no one else has ever seen. Yet they shall be as Daniel says, 'holpen with a little help'. Probably one reason all of them will not be killed is because of the protection of God. The witnesses will be doing miracles selectively clobbering the wicked. Calling down a fire strike from heaven any time they feel like it. Changing the weather totally any time they feel a need. Etc.The locusts from the pit, remember only hurt the wicked as well. The plague of deadly sores on those who take the mark are, obviously, also on the wicked only. Etc.
The verse before the one talking about great famine makes it clear the context is the world rather than selective poor nations.
4 And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to
take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.
Sounds good.
Since it is my understanding that the taking away into the air of believers is before the wrath, I guess it is not a real concern as to how long after the Rapture the wicked take to get it together. I agree it will be fast. Why? Because the one behind it all is cast to earth and knows his clock is ticking and he has to move fast.
Not only that, but the foolish virgins were not saved. They would not be invited to the wedding sipper of the Lamb. They had no oil of the spirit. Regardless of where or why they were running around in freaky mode it made no difference. All that matters is that we are saved believers. Possibly, we could relate that to the nominal believer churches.
The time that Jesus told people in Jerusalem to flee was after the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel was set up. That was not 70 AD.
Mat 24:15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand
That one spoken of by Daniel is also on a clock. The days and months and years are given. That was not 70AD.
WE will not be here or in Jerusalem, that will be the Jews at the time. They are the ones who that warning to flee when they see the abomination is for.