And all this does is highlight the level of racial prejudice that exists on this board. I have said NOTHING about race in terms of what the President has done so every last one of you can save THAT stupidity for someone else.
The statement was to Rev and he knows why.
So this banding together to call stupid something that hasn't been done is the epitome of stupid.
What is devious and plain ole evil is the way the lot of you continue to treat anyone who disagrees with ya.
Could you please answer why you seem to be so much against the posters here who wish to uphold the Biblical mandates as regarding moral standards, and how to govern in a responsible fashion our nation?
And why would you continue to support the policies/agendas of those amomg us who seek to rear down America. to have go back on all of Jewish-Christian heritage that the founding fathers sought to give and preserve in our republic?