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When the going gets rough


Late-Administator Emeritus
Originally posted by FrankBetz:
Job 24:22 God has NEVER left any man unsure of life, else Jesus is a false prophet and He never came to GIVE LIFE AND THAT MORE ABUNDANTLY!!!!
KJV Job 24:22 He draweth also the mighty with his power: he riseth up, and no man is sure of life.

NKJV Job 24:22 "But God draws the mighty away with His power; He rises up, but no man is sure of life.

Uh, Frank, the NKJV says the same thing as the KJV. Are you saying the KJV is wrong too?


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Frank Betz: Funny thing, those scriptures are found in the KJB, also in other mv's, BUT, those scriptures that make up the Harmony of all Scriptures are NOT found in the mv's, so that disqualifies the mv's, PERIOD!

What kind of nonsensical double talk is THIS?

Again, not one of the "preservation" Scriptures is version-specific.

You simply can't have omissions and mistranslations to concur with the Scriptures that declare PERFECT preservation, now can you? No.

The KJV has them, same as any other version.

We don't have to have it spelled out to know the Truth, roby, you do. You need to tell God that, because the Original languages you love to say are the ONLY words of God is like telling God He can't tell anyone anything in English w/o 2-5% error. NOT!!

All the translations are made by men. You haven't proven any omissions in any later versions. You've simply GUESSED there are omissions w/o considering the possibility that your fave version could just-as-easily have ADDITIONS.


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quote:All they've proven is that they're a little different among themselves. The Four Gospels, from any set of mss, differ among themselves far more than do the different "families' of mss.

Frank Betz: annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnkkkk! Wrong. Similarites in different accounts don't not make up what you ACCUSE the Bible of, roby.

But they're right there, available for anyone who can read, to read. And I'm talking about the DIFFERENCES, not the similarities.

But thar it iz, you accuse the Holy Ghost of impefrection, again.

No, I don't accuse the Holy Spirit of anything. But I accuse YOU of using a double standard. The same premises we use to believe all four Gospels MUST be applied to the differences between manuscripts. The dofferences within one set of mss should be much-less than are the differences between sets of mss, but that's not the case. Therefore the same set of standards should apply. Otherwise, you're using guesswork and a double standard.

Your premise makes God almost omnipotent. Again the philosophy of the yen and yeng has corrupted the minds of people like yourself.

Actually, YOUR premise allows men to manipulate the Scriptures, and to pick-n-choose which of them to believe and which ones to disregard.


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quote:Let's just deal with one of'em...PLEASE PROVE TO US THAT THE NKJV IS A FALSE VERSION.

Frank Betz(In a rather silly & futile to prove the NKJV false):Job 24:22 God has NEVER left any man unsure of life, else Jesus is a false prophet and He never came to GIVE LIFE AND THAT MORE ABUNDANTLY!!!!

Doc Cassidy beat me to the punch; I was gonna type basically the same thing...but lemme add this...Are YOU absolutely sure you'll be here tomorrow? That's what the Job verse was saying...that NO MAN is assured of tomorrow without a direct guarantee from God.

And what was the life Jesus came to give? ETERNAL LIFE for the believer.

BRRRPPP. Evidently you didn't read both versions very well. Sorry, no kewpie doll. Wanna try s'more?


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quote:Either answer or...you know what the rest of the readership and I will think of YOU......

I see you have to keep bringing things down to a man's level, that is in direct contradiction to Scripture, again.

Pointing out false doctrines and calling down those who spread them is never against Scripture.

Our affections are to be set on things above, not on the things of the earth. It is so we can hear the Lord more precisely and w/o danger of satan corrupting the message from, where? ABOVE!!

But yet you've come DOWN, to try to hawk a false doctrine.

But the day I worry what others think of me for my stand on the Bible? Ha!!! I'd rather please the Lord, thank you!!

Evidently you're worried or ya wouldn'ta posted here. Some fella named Custer took a stand once.


Glad to see you invoke your will in the matter, again.

Exactly as I had predicted, the mv proponent put to the iron, then the moderator invokes his rule, when other times he doesn't?

Consistency is a virtue, but not in BB.


Originally posted by TCassidy:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by FrankBetz:
Job 24:22 God has NEVER left any man unsure of life, else Jesus is a false prophet and He never came to GIVE LIFE AND THAT MORE ABUNDANTLY!!!!
KJV Job 24:22 He draweth also the mighty with his power: he riseth up, and no man is sure of life.

NKJV Job 24:22 "But God draws the mighty away with His power; He rises up, but no man is sure of life.

Uh, Frank, the NKJV says the same thing as the KJV. Are you saying the KJV is wrong too?
</font>[/QUOTE]Better check the context of Job 24, friend, it is not God as the main subject, but the wicked, unless you'd like to presume God as wicked perchance, but that is your right, I guess.


Obviously, you are &lt;attack on the Bible deleted&gt; above context, again, your mistake: God is not wicked, nor does He lie in wait to ensnare men and bring their blessings to nought.

Better &lt;attack on the Bible deleted&gt; read the Bible, why, check the Hebrew if you want, God is not even mentioned in Job 24:22, but only the male neuter. Hmmm? Placing the attributes on the behalf of God that only belong to wicked men, I see.

[ June 08, 2005, 12:19 PM: Message edited by: C4K ]

NaasPreacher (C4K)

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by FrankBetz:
Glad to see you invoke your will in the matter, again.

Exactly as I had predicted, the mv proponent put to the iron, then the moderator invokes his rule, when other times he doesn't?

Consistency is a virtue, but not in BB.
This entire thread has been run by the good grace of the moderating team. It was started with an inflammatory post so should have been deleted from the very start.

You still have not produced any evidence of an attack on the KJV on the Holy Scriptures.


Evidently you're worried or ya wouldn'ta posted here. Some fella named Custer took a stand once.
Not worried, but concerned for those who would fall for your false teachings against the Bible.

Besides, Custer would have won the battle if he wasn't so SELF assured, like roby, like Custer.

I'll rely on my example, Elisha called upon the LORD to open his servant's eyes, and he beheld the Mighty Host/ chariots of fire. So? Wouldest thou choose to remain an Assyrian?


Originally posted by C4K:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by FrankBetz:
Glad to see you invoke your will in the matter, again.

Exactly as I had predicted, the mv proponent put to the iron, then the moderator invokes his rule, when other times he doesn't?

Consistency is a virtue, but not in BB.
This entire thread has been run by the good grace of the moderating team. It was started with an inflammatory post so should have been deleted from the very start.

You still have not produced any evidence of an attack on the KJV on the Holy Scriptures.
</font>[/QUOTE]When you call any mv a Bible, then delete what is given as evdences, calling it an attack on the Bible, when it was never an attack on the Bible, I guess not, but then....

And I'd rather fall into the hand of God than the hands of the enemy, but until then, my heart will go on singing, with Joy ,I'll carry on!!

The "NKJV" attacks God by introduicing He is guilty of leaving no man sure of life, lying in wait to ensnare the man with wicked devices, in contradiction to what the CONTEXT proclaims!!


Exactly as the initial post that started the topic declares, it won't be long, and this topic too will be "closed" according to the bias of the "team of moderators" :rolleyes:


Late-Administator Emeritus
Originally posted by FrankBetz:
Better check the context of Job 24, friend, it is not God as the main subject, but the wicked, unless you'd like to presume God as wicked perchance, but that is your right, I guess.
I am sorry, Frank, but your knowledge of both Hebrew and English could use some improvement.

"But He (God) prolongeth the life of (literally, draweth out at length) the mighty with His (God's) power. He (the wicked) riseth up (from his sick bed) although he had given up hope of (literally, when he no longer believed in) life."


Originally posted by TCassidy:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by FrankBetz:
Better check the context of Job 24, friend, it is not God as the main subject, but the wicked, unless you'd like to presume God as wicked perchance, but that is your right, I guess.
I am sorry, Frank, but your knowledge of both Hebrew and English could use some improvement.

"But He (God) prolongeth the life of (literally, draweth out at length) the mighty with His (God's) power. He (the wicked) riseth up (from his sick bed) although he had given up hope of (literally, when he no longer believed in) life."
</font>[/QUOTE]Notice the use of another version, then no reference to the Hebrew, then you have no substanciation for your presumption, only further confusion. Still, context, and the Hebrew, prove you wrong. And your version wrong.

Therefore, you are also taking the chance of being guilty of , not only equating God with the wicked, but adding to Scripture something that is NOT true.

I believe the topic is an open discussion of any subject that deals specifically with the initial staement, which cannot be denied. Too much proof has been evidenced for that.


Originally posted by C4K:
Please feel free to start a specific Job 24v22 thread when this one is closed.
I do wonder, does the 5 page limit end when it reaches the fifth page or when the 5th page is full?

Moderator bias will decide? :rolleyes:


Just so it might, I will also add that the moderator is very possibly lying in wait for a slip on my behaqlf to break some rule? Probably true, also.... That would concur with the allowance of the "team" to let this "flame" run, but then.... Proof, again, proof.... The KJB still precedence over the taunted versions of today, Scripturally, that is. Accurately too, I might add. :D