quote:All they've proven is that they're a little different among themselves. The Four Gospels, from any set of mss, differ among themselves far more than do the different "families' of mss.
Frank Betz: annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnkkkk! Wrong. Similarites in different accounts don't not make up what you ACCUSE the Bible of, roby.
But they're right there, available for anyone who can read, to read. And I'm talking about the DIFFERENCES, not the similarities.
But thar it iz, you accuse the Holy Ghost of impefrection, again.
No, I don't accuse the Holy Spirit of anything. But I accuse YOU of using a double standard. The same premises we use to believe all four Gospels MUST be applied to the differences between manuscripts. The dofferences within one set of mss should be much-less than are the differences between sets of mss, but that's not the case. Therefore the same set of standards should apply. Otherwise, you're using guesswork and a double standard.
Your premise makes God almost omnipotent. Again the philosophy of the yen and yeng has corrupted the minds of people like yourself.
Actually, YOUR premise allows men to manipulate the Scriptures, and to pick-n-choose which of them to believe and which ones to disregard.