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When the going gets rough

NaasPreacher (C4K)

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by FrankBetz:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by C4K:
Please feel free to start a specific Job 24v22 thread when this one is closed.
I do wonder, does the 5 page limit end when it reaches the fifth page or when the 5th page is full?

Moderator bias will decide? :rolleyes:
</font>[/QUOTE]Your accusations and continuous attacks are getting old, my brother. The thread can be closed anytime on page five.

You are more than welcome to start a thread on the Job passage at anytime.

Squire Robertsson

Just so there is no question of bias by this Forum's moderators, I'll invoke my prerogative as an Admin.

As this thread is now on its fifth page, I am issuing the Six Hour Warning. No Earlier Than 9pm EDT/Board Time one of this forum's moderators will close this thread.


Late-Administator Emeritus
Originally posted by FrankBetz:
Notice the use of another version,

Yes, the one you were condemning as being wrong, when, in fact, it says the same thing as the KJV.
then no reference to the Hebrew,
My literal translation was translated directly from the Hebrew.
then you have no substanciation for your presumption, only further confusion.

I don't believe it is presumptive to take God at His word.
Still, context, and the Hebrew, prove you wrong. And your version wrong.

Well, actually, what I pointed out is that you seem to be confused about what the bible is saying in either version. It is not the bible that is wrong, it is your interpretation that is wrong. You just don't understand what the verse is saying, so I helped you out a little. Here is it again:

"But He (God) prolongeth the life of (literally, draweth out at length) the mighty with His (God's) power. He (the wicked) riseth up (from his sick bed) although he had given up hope of (literally, when he no longer believed in) life."

Therefore, you are also taking the chance of being guilty of , not only equating God with the wicked, but adding to Scripture something that is NOT true.

No, Frank, I am guilty of "rightly dividing the word of truth." It is you who makes the silly assumption that the first "Him" is not referring to God, which it obviously is when you compare scripture with scripture and read Psalm 36:10.

I believe the topic is an open discussion of any subject that deals specifically with the initial staement, which cannot be denied. Too much proof has been evidenced for that.
The only evidence I have seen indicates you don't understand what the passage of scripture is talking about. Here, I will post it again:

"But He (God) prolongeth the life of (literally, draweth out at length) the mighty with His (God's) power. He (the wicked) riseth up (from his sick bed) although he had given up hope of (literally, when he no longer believed in) life."


Well-Known Member
Site Supporter
Frank, you just won't address any problems you've created with your own posts. Again, let's see some proof that the NKJV is false. Your attempt at using Job for such has fallen flat.

Next, the human army in question with Elisha and his servant were SYRIANS, not ASsyrians. Those were two entirely-separate nations.

Frank Betz: Exactly as I had predicted, the mv proponent put to the iron, then the moderator invokes his rule, when other times he doesn't?

Consistency is a virtue, but not in BB.

I beg to differ. The moderators have allowed this thread to run somewhat longer than they've allowed others. Both C4K & Squire Robertsson have given plenty of advance notice as to when this thread will be closed. I mean, what else would you want? Squire has placed a "no earlier than 9 PM tonight" limit on this thread! If it reacher 12 pages in that time, those pages will be allowed to stand.If there's any bias, it's toward YOU, giving you a fair chance to back up your mostly-frivolous statements. Furthermore, they've reminded you that you're free to start another thread, especially about Job 24.

When you call any mv a Bible, then delete what is given as evdences, calling it an attack on the Bible, when it was never an attack on the Bible, I guess not, but then....

Calling a Bible some derogatory name is evidence ONLY of the attitude of the messenger. Just because you had the nerve, or the ignorance to say it doesn't make it true.

And I'd rather fall into the hand of God than the hands of the enemy, but until then, my heart will go on singing, with Joy ,I'll carry on!!

You've been carrying on quite a bit lately!

The "NKJV" attacks God by introduicing He is guilty of leaving no man sure of life, lying in wait to ensnare the man with wicked devices, in contradiction to what the CONTEXT proclaims!!

Evidently your knowledge about that context is nil. As I asked you yesterday, ARE YOU GUARANTEED TOMORROW? Chances are 99.99999% we'll all be here tomorrow, but anything less than 100% isn't SURE, nor a GUARANTEE. Is there any Scripture behind my statement? Yes. Remember the parable of the wealthy farmer who, as he went to bed, planned to build bigger barns to hold the bumper crop he was expecting? God called him a FOOL for leaving Him outta his plans. In this parable, He is reminding us that no one is guaranteed tomorrow except by GOD'S WILL. That's the premise in Job 24.

You're gonna hafta do a LOT better than THAT in your attack against the NKJV. So far, you've tossed a spitball against a tank.

Proof, again, proof.... The KJB still precedence over the taunted versions of today, Scripturally, that is. Accurately too, I might add.

You call for proof & then make a statement calling for proof, which you don't provide. But I shouldn't expect anything else from someone who says God didn't mean "for ever" when He said "for ever". After all, that's in the KJV you hold in such high esteem. By your own words, you seem to believe your KJV only so far as it agrees with the man-made myth about it.

You referred to some statements about Apollos as "heresy" because he at first was teaching Scripture, but not about Christ. We reminded you that, like Paul, he wasn't DENYING Christ; he simply didn't know about Him. Were YOU born with a knowledge of Christ, or did you acquire faith in Him by hearing/reading God's word? Both Paul and Apollos immediately "mended their ways" when they learned of Christ and came to Him in submission and belief. But before their salvations, both those men were zealous for God, and preached about Him ACCORDING TO THEIR LIMITED KNOWLEDGE. Nothing heretical there...they couldn't have been heretical about what they DIDN'T KNOW.

You've tried to dodge your own statement that "for ever" has a limit, along with a whole lotta other hooey you've posted. Evidently you CANNOT back up nor prove a thing you say. You've had plenty of chances in this thread. C'ya in the next one, GOD WILLING.

Just goes to show ya don't hafta have a blizzard nor dandruff to see a few FLAKES...


Active Member
FrankBetz asked:

I will also add that the moderator is very possibly lying in wait for a slip on my behaqlf to break some rule?

Sheesh! Stop being such a drama queen. :rolleyes:

Dr. Bob

Help. The paranoids are after me!!

And yes, we are.

Squire Robertsson

And as it is well past 9pm EDT, I am closing this thread. However, please be advised, robycop3 is quite right when he states:
Squire has placed a "no earlier than 9 PM tonight" limit on this thread! If it reaches 12 pages in that time, those pages will be allowed to stand.
The rhetorical twelve pages would have stayed a part of this thread.