This thread appears to still be open; if not Bro/Sis BB Administrator(s), please do as you wish. Here goes. Bro. Alan Gross mentioned that he was a student of Lexington (KY) Baptist College. My 1976 BA came from an offshoot of LBC: Clarksville (TN) Baptist College. I don't know all the minute details of CBC's original ties to LBC, but Pastor Elton Wilson, Founder of CBC, did employ at least 3 LBC graduates for CBC's faculty. Two were Bro. Demas Brubacher & Bob Jones (Not the BJ of BJU.) Both were instrumental in creation of CBC + CBC's Dean, Wallace York also played a part in CBC's creation. Both DB & BJ were more or less "Faculty Heads," & BJ served as CBC's Registrar until he assumed the pastorate of Bible Baptist Church upon Pastor Elton's retirement. I enjoyed the info from all 3 of these men as an incoming freshman, each has his own style of teaching, but Dean York's manner of life meant the most to me. In fact Bro York's son Herschel (sp ?) was (I think) pastor of LBC's sponsoring church, Ashland Ave BC. Bro DB was the one who urged me to go on to pursue my postgrad studies at Austin Peay State Univ (also located in Clarksville). He'd done some postgrad work at APSU, & even though APSU was not a "Christian" college as such, most of my MA profs were at least more conservative in their teachings. Unfortunately neither LBC or CBC are no longer in existence. Pastor H York led the way to urge potential students to go to Boyce Univ, but in CBC's case, most potential Bible college students did not have another Christian Bible college nearby to attend. Finances + an overall lack of support eventually led to CBC's demise in the 1980s. To me, it was a shame, but then even the much larger & more well-known TN Temple Univ in Chattanooga had to close its doors in recent years, and that sorrowfully the demise of several other Christian colleges and/or Seminaries have had to either merge with or ID with other "non-Christian" colleges. Calvary Baptist Seminary in Lansdale PA closed her doors & Baptist Bible College in Clarks Summit PA re-named its school to Clarks Summit Univ (Don't know if BBC/CS had any material change in its curricular, but it seems at least to have "broadened" its outreach somewhat.) And all this seems to indicate that overall in the US there is a decline in young folks' desire to attend a "Bible" college. Why, I'm not sure, but then this does seem to indicate (to me at least) a general disinterest in attaining a "Bible" college education among potential college-minded young folks. Even in Nashville itself, the role of a local-church-sponsored BC has declined considerably from what it was some 10-20 years ago. Didn't mean to get off track in my comments, & if the BB "Powers That Be" determine if maybe I should start a new thread addressing my concerns, I'll yield to their decision. I do want to thank ALL of BB's Administrators for what they do. I'm sure it's not an easy task for them to "ride herd" over people like I am! My excuse for commenting on already-closed threads was a mistake on my part & I plead "Guilty as Charged." I'm glad for the thankless job they've tackled & I think all of us BBoarders' should take time to honor the job that these people do....So, "Thanks to ALL of our BB Administrators!!" only eternity will reveal how much they've done to maintain "our" BB!!!