Although I didn't read all the pages, I have a general idea of the line of thoughts. First, the Bible does refer to ahcohol, maybe not the strength as opposed to today, BUT it mentions DRUNKEN orgies. So by this you could get DRUNK, even in the OT where this is mentioned. I'm sure in the NT they were advanced enough to make a pretty strong wine.
To me, as a Baptist, to have a few(one or two) drinks OCCASIONALLY is not a sin. It is OVER INDULGENCE that makes it wrong BUT that can be done with food, or most anything else and would become harmful to your body, even exercise.
However, to drink any at all can LEAD to more and more and before you know it, you are drunk OR a drunkard. As someone has already pointed out, that to drive after drinking is wrong but when drunk or high, your brain doesn't tell you this. My Baptist church opposes any drinking OR letting anyone sell alcoholic drinks with X distance from the church. Actually this is a town ordinance and can only be oked only by the church thus affected.
As for work, we all have to be associated with the secular world and to think you can hide from alcohol is somewhat foolish. Your boss may be an you quit a good job because of this?
The bottom line is, first it is not a sin as Jesus drank wine but He didn't get drunk and didn't He make wine for the wedding party?
So, do what you feel is right, for you and your family. I would say personally to just stay away from drinking. If that hinders your social status, find another group! I also think, that if you have a few daily, that you do not let your children know this as this is probabily where the most damage will be done. If Pop/Mom drink, then it is ok for me! Another reason to be totally discrete with it is that you can be a stumbling stone for others. Hey....doesn't the POPE drink?
God Bless............Alex