George, where do we find the term or idea "the church age" in scripture? I see covenants throughout scripture, but no mention of a "church age." It is one of the reasons why I have left dispensationalism. It is a false, human, construct.
The pre-flood dispensation was called
the former age by Bildad (Job 8:8) thus the "pre-flood age
", if you will. That age's end was marked off by the Genesis 9 Noahic sacrifice/covenant. Therefore Job and his friends were living in a different
age than their pre-flood fathers, a "post-flood age" if you will; although those expressions aren't in scriptures.
Similarly, Christ instituted a
new testament/
covenant (Mt.26:28/Heb.8:6) by his sacrifice, hence a new
age [so far we've identified at least 3 different ages by scriptures], one wherein Christ makes up his body, which is the church - hence "church age". Call it whatever you want at the end of the day. You know what I'm referring to. That age comes to close once
the fulness of the Gentiles be come in (Ro.9:25) and God reverts back to Israel in yet another new covenant (Heb.8/Jer.31).
And I'm pretty confident that it was indeed Christ who said the words
new testament. So if it's a "human construct", then it is the construct of
the man Christ Jesus and I stand guilty of believing that human construct.