As far as i know, no one is idolizing any book.
Your words deserve the analytical conclusion to be that God only breathed during the time of the past and hasn't continued breathing or even breathed in 2000 + years.
Where is this ever elusive "Bible" no one has which is the only inspired word of God?
Where is your Bible, and how can you be sure it is the right one?
What do you know about the Peshitta, the Itala, and even Jerome's Vulgate?
Were or are they the Word of God? Are they inspired? Why or why not?
The Peshitta and Itala are both second and third century translations of the Bible, some of the oldest Bibles that we have access to today. However, they are still translations.
Inspiration took place only once. God used the prophets and the apostles to pen the words that he told them to write. The fact that we don't have those manuscripts today is irrelevant. He inspired those documents, from those apostles, at one time, in one place in history. They were not inspired over and over and over again. They were inspired once and only once. It was the original copies that were inspired under the direction of the Holy Spirit, God using the prophets and the apostles as his writers.
He did not inspire the copyists that copied them for the first few centuries.
He did not inspire any of the translators that translated them into the many different languages. BTW, that includes the translation of the Septuagint, the first translation of the OT into Greek. It is not an inspired book. It is simply a translation of the Hebrew OT. No translation is inspired. Only the originals are, and can be, inspired.
He did not inspire the KJV translators. They are not "the holy men of God," referred to in 2Pet.1:21. If so, please demonstrate how Peter could have been speaking of the KJV translators. Inspiration only took place once. It was applicable only to the prophets and the apostles.
2 Peter 1:21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.
If you lived in India and only spoke Hindi would you be askng the same question: "Where is your Bible?"
If you lived in China and only spoke Mandarin (the language that is spoken by more people than any other language in the world), would you still ask the same question: "Where is your Bible?" If God were to justly inspire any one translation, out of his justice he must give the world a Mandarin Bible, not an English Bible, because more people in the world speak Mandarin than English. English only ranks second as the most popular language spoken. I guess that puts you in a minority
However God chose to preserve his word. He preserves it in Hebrew and Greek MSS. I have no problem saying that we have the Word of God today. I have no problem lifting up my Bible and telling my people that this is the Word of God. It is a translation. Translations are not inspired. Translations have mistakes; they lose meaning from one translation (Greek) to another. (There is no such thing as a unicorn for example). But His Word is preserved. It is preserved so accurately that one might say it is as if it were inspired.