Mexdeaf said:
OTOH, it may just be a matter of 'giving honor where honor is due' or not muzzling the mouths of the oxen that tread the corn.
Alright, should that be taken into consideration or not when a finance committee, or the church at large, is determining ministerial compensation? Like a free haircut each month-- reduce by $128 for a year; assume 2 free meals at Cici's per week-- reduce by $530....?
As a missionary I was the beneficiary of many free meals. I never felt guilty partaking of them, either... well, maybe once when they fed me like a pig!
I don't know how you were supported as a missionary, but it seems that touches on the point here. It does appear there was a time when a pastor/minister had to face the fact that it is a low-paid position that he was following because he believed he had a divine call. So when he took a new position, usually in a new town, people would offer such services under that realization. Basically it was the same thing for a small-town school teacher... being regularly invited for meals or having a clothier or dressmaker give reductions to keep them dressed appropriately for their positions were expected and probably justified. And that may still be true in many places, especially foreign lands. But today in churches of much size at all, the compensation packages seem well in line such that perks should not be expected in the same way. But, of course, maybe my view is based on my present involvement in a church which now averages more than 3000 in attendance per week and has approx. a dozen ministers on staff, with 2 or 3 part time. We have a senior pastor and an executive pastor, at least, with packages in 6 figures, so it's hard to see that they need free pizza or free haircuts (especially for no more hair than either of them have). And to think they still get housing allowance for their $250,000 houses and they preach against trusting in social security to get by in those 'golden years' and still have the church pay into that program for them, in addition to an annuity.... I don't seriously consider a word they say about trusting in God to provide for
my needs by being faithful in tithes and offerings.
But privileges just don't go away easily when those who have them continue to take them as if they're entitled and additionally have their own forum to remind 'their people' of that; usually not very overtly, but keeping the point in their minds.