People have gotten hung up on the label "terrorist". The issue here is this whole comparing of who black people get killed by. There isn't the same outrage over the black-on-black killings as this latest incident, or the cop killings because these urban killings people like to throw up are
either random (whether just an everyday robbing or whatever), or drug deals and other disputes gone bad. It's not one person trying to exterminate [or at least terrorize] another race (which would include the killer himself, of course).
The people are aware of the urban crime problem. Most of them grew up with it, and some still live with it. So there are people addressing it! [below]
(The next thing will likely be to put it on Sharpton and Jackson. Why aren't
they out there more, like they are for white-on-black incidents? But who are they? Just media figures, basically! It's not even like most blacks "follow" them; they're just "there", from rising to fame in the past. You all yourselves [as conservatives] are the ones have said it countless times; they're just trying to stay "relevent". So why would you keep using them to scold "the black community" for "not addressing black problems"?)
Again, it's like people are addressing a single individual, rather than millions of individuals.
This whole issue is like a child saying "what about
him?!" "
So what someone killed your loved one because of your race;
you all kill
each other!"
So a whole people are supposed to accept 'open season' on them because of what others in "the community" do?
Imagine, a person gets robbed by one of these "urban criminals" everyone talks about, and then walks onto the next block, and gets shot by a cop or by this kid, and you come along and tell him "That's GOOD for you, because of that criminal back on the other block you just got robbed by. You should have commanded him to reform himself, but since you didn't you're complicit in his crime, and deserve the same consequences he does"!
THAT is what you are essentially reasoning!
And let's not forget people similarly still throwing up black-on-white crime. Every "conservative news" site story on this I'm now seeing, is followed by commenters saying lynching should be brought back, with pictures of nooses, even! But of course,
they're the
victims of the
true "racists", the "race hustlers" playing "the race card" on them; right?
In any case, here are a couple of articles addressing this "black on black crime" issue: said:
94% of murders that Black people are victims of are committed by other Black people. 83% of murders that white people are victims of is committed by other white people. WHY? Because we interact with people who are in our racial groups most often. People victimize other people who look like them.
Also, ANY Black crime is HANDLED by the system. In fact, it’s OVERHANDLED. Our prisons are full of Black men and women who are in there for things as small as stealing candy bars. FULL. So please shut the entire hell up about this since even if it was a problem, it’s already being addressed. The system doesn’t like Black folks getting away with ANYTHING. So you ain’t gotta worry about that.
Meanwhile, white people can cuss out a cop, wave a gun in their face, assault them but walkaway with probation.
[note: rest of article has some strong language] said:
And in short,
it’s easy to find examples of marches and demonstrations against crime. In the last four years, blacks have held community protests against violence in Chicago; New York; Newark, New Jersey; Pittsburgh; Saginaw, Michigan; and Gary, Indiana. [ ] Indeed, there’s a whole catalog of movies, albums, and sermons from a generation of directors, musicians, and religious leaders, each urging peace and order.
You may not have noticed black protests against crime and violence, but
that doesn’t mean they haven’t happened.
Black Americans—like everyone else—are concerned with what happens in their communities, and at a certain point, pundits who insist otherwise are either lying or willfully ignorant.
To that point, it’s worth noting the extent to which “what about black-on-black crime” is an
evasion, an attempt to avoid the fundamental difference between being killed by a citizen and being killed by an agent of law.
Regardless of cause or concern,
a community doesn’t forfeit fair treatment because it has crime. That was true then when the scourge was lynching, and it’s true now that the scourge is unjust police violence.
Say what you will about “black-on-black crime,” just don’t pretend it has anything to do with unfair killings at the hands of the state.
[Or now, in this case, a lone vigilante, or whatever you want to call him].