[SIZE=+0][SIZE=+0][SIZE=+0][SIZE=+0][SIZE=+0][SIZE=+0][SIZE=+0]I seriously doubt that many actually attend a church because they are "led of the Lord." No doubt some may claim they were led and even think they are led, but are basing a call on personal feelings so in truth it is highly unlikely and nothing but personal choice. If they were "led" they would go with a predetermined mind to join the first Sunday before they even heard the sermon or met a soul and even if the teaching was as corrupt or false as any can be, knowing this is where the Lord wanted them. No, few are actually led. By led I mean like the early apostles who were led to go here or go there even if it meant losing their lives. They went because they were led to go, not because it seemed good to them or fit their liking. They did not need to check things out ahead of going. They just went knowing this was of the Lord and the same with any call from the Lord.
In fact very few pastors are actually led to a church. I have talked to pastors and asked them if they felt led to a certain church and they say they felt no leading one way or the other, they just accepted the church as a place to carry out what they felt led to do and that was pastoring. It is true that some will say that they were "led" out of piety, but if honest they needed a change or a job and felt a particular church would suffice. They actually had no real leading from the Lord if you base leading on the examples given in scripture as how He has done it in the past. The same with calling a pastor. There is no need to listen to him if the church is being led to call him. Just do it.
The same with most believers. We are called to attend, but few are called to a particular church even though some make great claims to the contrary. While it may make us feel and even sound spiritual to claim we were led to a certain church, the truth is most just decide a certain church fits their liking or attend because they are commanded to attend church, not because they have a direct call from the Lord to that particular church.