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She is what you call a Type A personality and it is a struggle for her to submit to my spiritual leadership, but she feels that God is doing a work in me right now and wants to honor God by submitting to the decision I make about the churches.
Anytime I hear the word "submission" used in this manner, I always have to take a second look to be sure its being used in the proper manner. So don't get offended by what I'm about to say until I'm done. (manner meaning in conjuction with a skirts only, KVJO church)
You need to sit your wife down and have a serious discussion about why she is drawn strongly to church B. What about church B (with its standoffish people) says "this is a better place to be" to your wife? You both need to make sure that she doesn't have some idea that a church which profers rules to live by is somehow a more holy church or somehow God is more pleased with Christians who live with a strong set of (arbitrary) standards than those who are not.
Standards are fine, don't get me wrong. But scripture ALWAYS trumps the standards of men. If skirt wearing is derived from a desire to look feminine and modest as possible, then that is fine. But if women wearing pants is put up to be a standard to judge the spirituality of others, then it is NOT fine! It's also not fine for her to think that "obeying the rules" somehow has an effect on her salvation or worse, that "obeying the rules" is her salvation. (that the blood of Christ was insuffecient and she must work to maintain her salvation)
Same with the whole KJVO thing. I'm KJV perferred myself, for the simple reason that when I was a child, we didn't have access to all these new translations and all my memory work was done in a KJV. But I also enjoy reading and comparing with other translations and I don't believe the men who translated the KJV were any more "inspired" by God than any other translator. (I was taught this to be true as a child though)
The whole "submission" issue is another point which is sometimes taken to an extreme. Does your wife realize that the other side of "wives submit to your husbands" is "husbands love your wife as Christ loves the church"?
The spirit of submission is not for a wife to make herself unhappy so you can be happy and I doubt that you would be happy if she were not! You two have to work together to make the decision that allows you both to attend the church that best suits your need to grow in the Lord.
Its a proper excercise of your spiritual leadership to be certain your wife isn't "obeying the rules" with a wrong idea of why she should. It is not a proper exercise of your spiritual leadership to make arbitrary decisions about where to go to church (or for that matter, anything else!) Its also not fair to you that she burden you with the final decision. It is possible for you two to find a church you BOTH agree on! And that is the end result that you both should be looking toward, even if that means visiting other churches and/or denominations.