I continually hear Calvinists accuse us of believing mankind is better than they are, but which of these two people are worse?
PERSON 1: This man was born an enemy of God, a sinner and enslaved to his sin. God, in genuine salvific love, provides EVERYTHING this persons needs to be saved. God sends his son for him, sends the gospel to appeal for his reconciliation, and sends the church to minister to his needs. The man freely chooses to refuse all these sincere attempts to the point his heart grows calloused and he dies in his rebellion.
PERSON 2: This man is born an enemy of God, a sinner, and enslaved not only to sin, but he is born enslaved to his depraved will and thus cannot willingly choose to accept God's appeal for reconciliation. His fate is sealed from birth. God doesn't salvific love him or provide for his salvation, but has chosen to pass him by in his depraved natural condition from before he was born. He is born calloused in rebellion and dies calloused in rebellion all as predetermined by his creator.
I say the first person is MUCH worse than the second because the first person rebells in the face of God's genuine love and gracious provisions. The second is just doing what he was made to do kind of like an insane man who can't help his inborn desire and is declared "not guilty by reason of insanity." The first is WHOLLY guilty because he freely rejected and chose what desires he would follow. He truly has no defense.
PERSON 1: This man was born an enemy of God, a sinner and enslaved to his sin. God, in genuine salvific love, provides EVERYTHING this persons needs to be saved. God sends his son for him, sends the gospel to appeal for his reconciliation, and sends the church to minister to his needs. The man freely chooses to refuse all these sincere attempts to the point his heart grows calloused and he dies in his rebellion.
PERSON 2: This man is born an enemy of God, a sinner, and enslaved not only to sin, but he is born enslaved to his depraved will and thus cannot willingly choose to accept God's appeal for reconciliation. His fate is sealed from birth. God doesn't salvific love him or provide for his salvation, but has chosen to pass him by in his depraved natural condition from before he was born. He is born calloused in rebellion and dies calloused in rebellion all as predetermined by his creator.
I say the first person is MUCH worse than the second because the first person rebells in the face of God's genuine love and gracious provisions. The second is just doing what he was made to do kind of like an insane man who can't help his inborn desire and is declared "not guilty by reason of insanity." The first is WHOLLY guilty because he freely rejected and chose what desires he would follow. He truly has no defense.