That's a pretty thinly veiled way of implying that those that take politics seriously, don't love Jesus. I'm sure that's not what you meant to imply. If it was, well....
I meant it exactly as I said it.
Make sure your children thank you for that.
My children are not more important to me than honoring Christ. Perhaps those who are supporting a man who does not honor Christ should ask themselves if the country is going where it is because of politics or because of a lack of Christ?
Agreed. But Jesus isn't running for president. Until He does, we have to put up with those who are.
Just another excuse. If Romney were pro-abortion, Christians wouldn't have given him a second look and wouldn't even consider voting for him even if he was the only one left. But the fact that he worships a false god doesn't seem to bother Christendom as much as abortion and same-sex stuff.
It's as though Christians don't realize or don't care that you can still be saved and be pro-abortion or same sex whatever. But if you worship a false god, you're going straight to hell.
He must be "acceptable" cause Christians are lining up to vote for him. :laugh:
He's just a better option than what's currently in the position. As the saying goes, "the enemy of my enemy...."
All that says is folks are more concerned about the kingdom of this world than they are about God's Kingdom.
The man worships a false god. Try having a platform to speak to anyone about sin and a need to get saved by Christ after supporting a man who worships another god.
Politics are just not so important to me that I am going to be a stumbling block to folks seeking the one true God.
So not voting is honoring Christ?
I didn't say I wasn't voting. I said I wasn't voting for the anti-Christ in office or the anti-Christ running against him from the GOP.
I'm reminded of Romans 13. Some may argue that the passage doesn't deal with our elected officials, but I would remind you that the government at that time was both political and religious (religious leaders were also political figures). The principle applies.
I'm not advocating for Romney. I'm advocating for getting Obama out of office, with a candidate that will, at the minimum, do less damage to our form of government.
And I ask the question, are we more concerned with our form of government than we are with people's eternal souls?
It will be a very dark day for the world if those who are supposed to follow Christ set a man who worships a false god up as the most powerful man in the world.
Try to turn around and speak to your lost loved ones about needing a Savior after that.
I wasn't happy with a lot of things George Bush did; but he was more of an advocate for individual freedoms (including religious freedoms) than the sitting president is.
I didn't vote for him the second time. After he told told 1.2 billion Muslims that Muslims and Christians worship the same god not once but THREE times, no way could I vote for him.
Unfortunately, none of the 3rd party candidates have a prayer of accomplishing that goal. And if I cast a vote, or don't cast a vote, that allows the current sitting president to continue to create policies that affect my children and grandchildren, then I can't say that I did all I could to protect them.
Again, and this is the biggest issue I have with folks on this issue right now. Your comment and the comments of a lot of folks says that it is more important to you to maintain this nation...this wicked earthly realm for your children and grandchildren than it is that they be saved.
If Romney gets elected it will be evangelicals who put him there. And at that point, Jesus needs to just come on back because there will be NOTHING for the Church in the United States to EVER again say to anyone about being a Muslim, Jehovah's Witness, Hindu, atheist, agnostic, liar, thief, fornicator , adulterer, etc.
Our witness will be dead.
That's where I'm coming from; and attempts to cast doubts or aspersions about my Christianity because of that position are legalistic attempts to force me to fit into your own personal conception of what Christianity is. Thanks, but I'll continue to exercise my personal and religious freedoms instead.
And likewise, the rest of the world will continue to exercise its personal and religious freedoms and march right on into an eternal lake of fire. After all, if the personal and religious freedoms of Christians will allow them to vote for a man who worships a god who doesn't save, then it must be okay for non-Christians to worship whatever god they want.
Thanks for helping folks stumble into an eternal lake of fire.