Well-Known Member
We're done. You just want to argue.
No, we are not done, Reason: That is not a true statement. What I want you to do is back up this claim of yours from post #42:
For seven years I used a Ryrie Study Bible and for the first six of them believed everything that Ryrie had written. That last year, I started realizing that the notes he had did not teach the same thing as the scripture - specifically Jesus. I was looking to see what the gospel message that Jesus taught was all about since I didn't recall ever hearing Jesus use something live the "four spiritual laws" or the "Roman road" in His interaction with others. After great struggle, I realized that Ryrie had made some great errors with his theology of salvation.
So what I want to see is your reference of the notes in the Ryrie Study Bible which back up your claim above. This thread is about study Bibles or did your forget that?
That's what I want to see, Ryrie study Bible notes that get the theology of salvation wrong. What I want to see are Ryrie study Bible notes that do not teach the same thing as the scripture-specifically Jesus.
If that is your definition of arguing then so be it.