What, pray tell is the difference between as you said a translation with a reading level for a 12 or 13 year old and a reading level for a 12 or 13 year old! You are as dense as the day is long Van.
The OP indicated the lad had limited English skills, and was 14 years old. Logically, a Bible written for someone younger than 14 might be in his wheelhouse. I suggested several bibles written at the 12 or 13 year old level.
He's not a native English speaker/reader/writer. He's from Napal. He can't be compared with a slightly younger American. It would be too advanced for him. Your
logic is irrational. You insist that just because he is 14 that that means he can handle reading appropriate for an American student in the 7th or 8th grade. I'd like you to tell an average 12 or 13 year old American student that their English level is "very elementary, at best." The NLT is written at a 7th grade level. That's a bit beyond elementary and it is certainly not "very elementary, at best." His reading level would be at least 4 notches down from that.
Rippon indicated he knew with certainty the boy needed a bible written at a much younger level, such as the NIrV.
Yes, now that you know the difference between the NI
rV and NIV finally -- after I had tried to explain it to you several times. Your comprehension skills are not very advanced.
I objected that his conclusion was based on facts not in evidence.
Fact : his reading level is quite low :
very elementary --at best.
The word "elementary" means basic, simople, easy. The word
very intensifies the idea --at the low end of elementary. Just picture a primary school --grades 1-6. Those are elementary grades. Very elementary would be first grade. However, I don't think any full Bible translation goes that low. So, the NIrV which is slightly below the 3rd grade level would be right up his alley.
I have outlined this for you so many times but it is readily apparent to the "folks" you appeal to that you are too stubborn to admit you had not a clue. And instead of simply saying you were wrong you have just planted yourself in the mud and will stay there against all reason. Grow up.
But if by the slimmest of margins you just don't get it --you need to invest in a remedial reading course yourself. Your "campaigns" are full of vanity.