Okay, folks, 2 for yes, 6 for no, and 1 for "no opinion."
Wouldn't we think that if so many were against the creation of threads that are racially contentious, and worse...insulting, wouldn't it be reasonable to think that seclusion of threads of these types is a mild suggestion contrasted with the exclusion seen in the majority vote?
And are we not seeing a double standard presented in the two polls (the other being "Should Racially Contentious Threads be secluded?")?
It is doubtful, while this type of double standard is in effect in the hearts and minds of people, who make excuses for some when they should not. Not in a Biblical Worldview. Racism of any sort should not be tolerated in the Body of Christ. And when it is openly preached from so-called pulpits, it should be defined for what it is...satanic endeavor, removed from the Gospel of Christ, it is another gospel which I would think the Body in unity would have no problem calling it for what it is.
God bless.