Originally Posted by Darrell C View Post
Why would you be opposed to the right of a member to present his views which are a counterpoint to views you defend being allowed open access?
Here's what you said about me:
Originally Posted by Darrel C
And you don't see that as a double standard? That it's okay for threads advocating, not denouncing Racial Contention, if it's from a black perspective, but the same message from a white perspective you would censure?
First of all, I never said it was "OK" for threads advocating racial contention.
Yes you did. By voting to allow racially contentious threads you are supporting free reign of those who use this issue to stir up racial controversy. And it became clear that everyone thought Zaac to be the central issue, disallowing that there are quite a few who keep this a continual controversy and cause for racial contention.
You will again say this very thing, in this post, defining your double standard, and you are not even aware you are doing it.
That's what happens when you let emotion do your thinking for you.
I said that they should not be secluded in their own forum.
Which is to say "I am perfectly fine with the racially contentious threads being posted."
But, when it comes to blatant white supremacist threads...your double standard shows through.
The question in the poll you posted was, "Should Racial Contention be Secluded?" not "Should Racial Threads be Excluded?"
And this poll asks "Are white supremacist threads acceptable?"
Not sure why you think this is a valid point, I have not spoken of any kind of exclusion of members or their views.
The central issue is why in the world are you fighting against a Forum that keeps those who have definite agendas which are evil...from muddying every single thread they are involved in.
When I get the time, I will do the same concerning the Rapture, which is a great topic of discussion, but there is one that...that's all he talks about.
So the clear evidence is that you find racially contentious threads from a black perspective acceptable, but not racially contentious threads from a white perspective.
Double standard. Hypocritical.
And you have said nothing that justifies your position.
And the consensus being, "Put him on ignore," is absurd. What actually happens is that those who would discuss these issues...are put on ignore.
Great little escape clause for your buddy. Keeps him from actually considering a position or perspective other than his own.
Hopefully, you can parse the difference, though I doubt it.
You let me know how you think I did, okay?
Somehow you've got it in your head that I'm OK with racial threads in fact you think I'm advocating black power over whites or some crazy thing.
You are okay with racial threads.
Why do you continually deny this?
You are openly defending the "rights" of those who want to post racially contentious threads, but then do a double-take when white supremacy threads are brought up.
That's a reading comprehension problem. I'll keep that in mind whenever I read your posts on doctrinal issues.
Feel free to correct me on those issues as well.
look very forward to that, amigo.
Because like your buddy, I think you could stand getting immersed in the Word of God for a while, and setting emotional and political issues to the side.
If you can't read and interpret plain English on an internet forum I don't hold much hope in the arena of Biblical interpretation.
Well, believe it or not...there is hope.
Try it out, you might like it.
I've said on more than one occasion I loathe the racial threads and I wish they wouldn't be posted.
Then nullified such a sentiment by defending the right to post racially contentious threads, lol.
"Yeah, well, I loathe them, but I think they should have a right to be posted in wherever they want to. But not them white supremacists...they don't have a right to post their views."
That is not what the public record shows: you have a double standard and vote against the opposing side.
But you only read and see what you want to see, what fits your agenda.
I don't just read, I actually examine what is said, then balance that with what has been said, then comment on it.
That is what irritates you and your buddies. You can't remove these facts from the public record, and your heart on the matter has been revealed. And I see it as hypocritical, setting a double standard.
We could further expand on this by trying to examine why you take the positions you do. But I no more expect you to be open about that any more than you are about having a double standard.
Any kind of "supreme" or superiority preached by anyone is wrong. And while I am not one to suppress people's views, I also think I have a right to actually address them. But I can't do that when they refuse to address the issues by putting me on ignore, and the interference from the cheerleading squad further quenches any attempt to make people like this face reality.
And the reality is that much of what is being preached is contrary to the Word and will of God. And when one claims they are "sent from God" to preach this message, and there is no effort on the part of others to reveal that as heresy, particularly when Scripture is completely absent from their message...
...I have to wonder about that.
I have to wonder how such a one can accrue over 7,000 posts and still be active in spreading this message.
Secondly, there is a difference between white supremacy and being having racist views.
Oh really?
I don't expect you to understand that, either.
So do me a favor...enlighten me.
Not sure you realize just how ludicrous a statement that is.
When you can yourself begin thinking about what it is you said, what it is you're saying, and what you are going to say in the future, perhaps statements like this might begin to be less.
You are absolutely right, I don't, and I won't...understand something like this.
That is the point of these threads, my friend.
God bless.