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Whites Must Confront Reality


Well-Known Member
I agree, and I will keep repeating it.

Show me a Scriptural basis for your doctrine. Show me how one could possibly confuse your campaign with Christian attitude and ministry.

Umm, I don't need your signature to do what God tells me to do. :laugh: If you want a Scriptural basis, read your Bible without prejudice. I'm sure you'll come across something.

You would, I believe, be a slaver if you had that power. That is what your words reveal your heart to be.

Your words reveal you to currently be a slaver. That is what your words reveal your heart to be.

So show me where I have lied.


Show me where I have been racist or oppressive.

Show me in that statement where I said you were racist or oppressive?
Then respond to the points made.

You haven't made any points. You've written a lot. But you haven't said anything except the same old same old.

It's a free country, my friend...unless one self-imposes slavery upon themselves.

Yep, that's why you get to feel however you want and say whatever you want. And I get to refute whatever I want and point out racism and racial prejudice when I see it.

Answer the question.

Like I said, save your witchcraft. I'm not your puppet. There aren't strings attached to me that say speak and say what Darrell wants you to say.

Are you going to tell me that your parents and grandparents taught you not to be racist, even though some whites were? If that is the case...the question still remains.

More witchcraft.

You did not get it from the Word of God, you did not get it from the Spirit of God, and you did not get it from personal oppression and slavery. I can understand if relatives were treated badly, and how that might engender hatred, but a Christian is not given license to hate.

More witchcraft.

It's wickedness to admit to facts?

It's wickedness to admit YOUR facts that are really just your opinions.

Do you also hate your black ancestors that gathered up slaves and sold them? Do you hate those blacks in Africa today who are still doing that?

Again, get a clue.
You're a hypocrite.

I've been called worse by better people.

Do you also break into people's places of business and steal their possessions? Set houses on fire? Bash people over the head with bricks?


You, Zaac, will be held accountable for your part in stirring up such hatred.

Like I said before, me and God are good. I don't have any problem doing what HE says to do. So don't think for a moment that I'll shrink back in fear because you start mentioning accountability for something HE says to do. Just laughable. And I really don't know why you keep trying t manipulate responses.

Does this work with the other people with whom you speak?

Can you show me where I said they didn't?

Can you show me where I said YOU didn't?

If I were to base my opinion on black people on your doctrine, I would probably conclude that only black people matter. Well, American Black people, that is. I don't see any concern for Africans that are still slaves.

Well that would tell us again that you don't know what you're talking about and it has nothing to do with anything I said.

Not just me, but many people groups. Do you equate it with the holocaust?

I equate it with what wicked white men have done during slavery and Jim Crow and what they continue to do today.

Good thing Germany lost, they also hated everyone other than their own group.

The old white men in this country must have taken notes from the Germans.

No you don't. If that were the case, we would be hearing Zaac speak about Modern Slavery. We would see Zaac speaking about Christian Persecution, where, it's not a matter of someone's feeling being hurt, it's a matter where people's heads are being cut off. their tongues cut out, their hands lopped off, and imprisonment for their faith in Christ.

See again, white privilege may have elected you as the head of everything around you. But you're not the head of Zaac. You and your OPINION don't get to dictate what I should be speaking too or about.

So again, save the witchcraft for someone who doesn't see it for what it is.


The name on my avatar says Zaac.

You live in a fantasy world. Not sure how anyone can equate rabble-rousing like this to Christianity. Not sure how anyone can place this issue as the all important issue of the day.

I live in a wicked world in which folks call themselves followers of Christ but continue to exhibit the same wickedness as do people who never knew Him.

I don't need you to see how people can do anything.

Again, it is self-centered, self-serving, and quite in contradiction to a Christian world-view.

Again, it's Christ-centered, Christ-serving and aligned with the Christ view. If that contradicts YOUR version of a Christian view, that's fine. I don't want to be the type Christian that some of you display yourselves to be.

Not true. You don't have a Biblical worldview that recognizes the true condition of the hearts of men.

Ohh, why don't I just adopt yours then all will be well in my world. :rolleyes:

I am very interested in racial as well as religious prejudice in Europe. Are you aware that Islam's violence can be linked directly to the Muslim population? The more Muslims, the more violence.

Are you aware that racism and racial prejudice can be linked directly to the old white population? The more old Whites, the more racism and racial prejudice.

However, that doesn't mean I think Muslims should suffer persecution either. But I am not going to ignore the entire story, as you do, because it profits me.

I'm in the US. When I'm in Europe, I'll address their wickedness.
Are you a Muslim, Zaac?

Are you a grand dragon in the KLAN , Darrell?

Sorry, lol, common sense allows me to examine an issue, and salvation allows me to do so with a little more clarity than natural men.

Your common sense allows you to see what white privilege has conditioned you to see.

You seek to avoid the point, but it still remains. Your plight is trifling in comparison with the harsh realities of slavery.

If you say so. But Lord willing, tomorrow, I'll be right back here again pointing out the same wickedness that He says to point out.

You should be ashamed that you ignore these realities.

I have no shame in ignoring YOUR opinions.

Again, what makes you think it is Christians you are speaking of? Because they said they were? That is about as credible as your claim to a Spirit led campaign of hatred and racist propaganda.

So under the same vein, I shouldn't trust a word that you say just because you seem to think you're being Spirit led.

I'm still waiting for you to deal with the material already presented.

Keep convincing yourself that you can dictate what I do.
So comment on Modern Slavery and tell me why you aren't seeking to help raise awareness of those issues?


Could it be that it is contrary to the illusion of oppression which you seek to justify your campaign with? Because it exposes blacks as being just as ready to enslave as whites?


Your people, my friend, are just as culpable. But we can't confuse your truth with reality, now can we?

get a clue.

Sure it is, depending what it is that is opposed.

But opposing Christians? Wake up.

Read your Bible.

When Christians are the ones spreading the wickedness, you're darn skippy I'll oppose it. Read your Bible.

I do go everywhere in the world to speak to people about what is going on in America.

And since when is it the responsibility of Christians to do something other than what they are commanded in Scripture? It is that mentality that justified the Crusades, isn't it?

Take your own advice and read your Bible.

Well, you seem to be adept at ignoring what others have to say, so go ahead, add that to your database of misinformation.

I'm as adept at ignoring foolishness as you are at typing it.


Well-Known Member
Good chance you grew up with more opportunity than I did. I grew up poor.

So. That's got nothing to do with the opportunities being white affords over being non-white.

Might have something to do with population as well.

Oh, I know it has something to do with population. :laugh: The majority has rigged the system to benefit the majority over everyone else.

So tell me, do black people have a leg up on whites in countries with predominately black populations?

Irrelevant, as we're talking about this board and the US.

Shall I embrace anger and hatred for them because they have an advantage I don't? Maybe I should whine about illegal immigrants who have health care and pay no taxes.

You embrace whatever you want to. There's already enough whining about illegal immigrants. You might as well jump in line with the rest of the GOP.

Name them, Zaac.

Here's a nice starter list from PEggy Macintosh just for you.

I can if I wish arrange to be in the company of people of my race most of the time.

2. I can avoid spending time with people whom I was trained to mistrust and who have learned to mistrust my kind or me.

3. If I should need to move, I can be pretty sure of renting or purchasing housing in an area which I can afford and in which I would want to live.

4. I can be pretty sure that my neighbors in such a location will be neutral or pleasant to me.

5. I can go shopping alone most of the time, pretty well assured that I will not be followed or harassed.

6. I can turn on the television or open to the front page of the paper and see people of my race widely represented.

7. When I am told about our national heritage or about "civilization," I am shown that people of my color made it what it is.

8. I can be sure that my children will be given curricular materials that testify to the existence of their race.

9. If I want to, I can be pretty sure of finding a publisher for this piece on white privilege.

10. I can be pretty sure of having my voice heard in a group in which I am the only member of my race.

11. I can be casual about whether or not to listen to another person's voice in a group in which s/he is the only member of his/her race.

12. I can go into a music shop and count on finding the music of my race represented, into a supermarket and find the staple foods which fit with my cultural traditions, into a hairdresser's shop and find someone who can cut my hair.

13. Whether I use checks, credit cards or cash, I can count on my skin color not to work against the appearance of financial reliability.

14. I can arrange to protect my children most of the time from people who might not like them.

15. I do not have to educate my children to be aware of systemic racism for their own daily physical protection.

16. I can be pretty sure that my children's teachers and employers will tolerate them if they fit school and workplace norms; my chief worries about them do not concern others' attitudes toward their race.

17. I can talk with my mouth full and not have people put this down to my color.

18. I can swear, or dress in second hand clothes, or not answer letters, without having people attribute these choices to the bad morals, the poverty or the illiteracy of my race.

19. I can speak in public to a powerful male group without putting my race on trial.

20. I can do well in a challenging situation without being called a credit to my race.

21. I am never asked to speak for all the people of my racial group.

22. I can remain oblivious of the language and customs of persons of color who constitute the world's majority without feeling in my culture any penalty for such oblivion.

23. I can criticize our government and talk about how much I fear its policies and behavior without being seen as a cultural outsider.

24. I can be pretty sure that if I ask to talk to the "person in charge", I will be facing a person of my race.

25. If a traffic cop pulls me over or if the IRS audits my tax return, I can be sure I haven't been singled out because of my race.

26. I can easily buy posters, post-cards, picture books, greeting cards, dolls, toys and children's magazines featuring people of my race.

27. I can go home from most meetings of organizations I belong to feeling somewhat tied in, rather than isolated, out-of-place, outnumbered, unheard, held at a distance or feared.

28. I can be pretty sure that an argument with a colleague of another race is more likely to jeopardize her/his chances for advancement than to jeopardize mine.

29. I can be pretty sure that if I argue for the promotion of a person of another race, or a program centering on race, this is not likely to cost me heavily within my present setting, even if my colleagues disagree with me.

30. If I declare there is a racial issue at hand, or there isn't a racial issue at hand, my race will lend me more credibility for either position than a person of color will have.

31. I can choose to ignore developments in minority writing and minority activist programs, or disparage them, or learn from them, but in any case, I can find ways to be more or less protected from negative consequences of any of these choices.

32. My culture gives me little fear about ignoring the perspectives and powers of people of other races.

33. I am not made acutely aware that my shape, bearing or body odor will be taken as a reflection on my race.

34. I can worry about racism without being seen as self-interested or self-seeking.

35. I can take a job with an affirmative action employer without having my co-workers on the job suspect that I got it because of my race.

36. If my day, week or year is going badly, I need not ask of each negative episode or situation whether it had racial overtones.

37. I can be pretty sure of finding people who would be willing to talk with me and advise me about my next steps, professionally.

38. I can think over many options, social, political, imaginative or professional, without asking whether a person of my race would be accepted or allowed to do what I want to do.

39. I can be late to a meeting without having the lateness reflect on my race.

40. I can choose public accommodation without fearing that people of my race cannot get in or will be mistreated in the places I have chosen.

41. I can be sure that if I need legal or medical help, my race will not work against me.

42. I can arrange my activities so that I will never have to experience feelings of rejection owing to my race.

43. If I have low credibility as a leader I can be sure that my race is not the problem.

44. I can easily find academic courses and institutions which give attention only to people of my race.

45. I can expect figurative language and imagery in all of the arts to testify to experiences of my race.

46. I can chose blemish cover or bandages in "flesh" color and have them more or less match my skin.

47. I can travel alone or with my spouse without expecting embarrassment or hostility in those who deal with us.

48. I have no difficulty finding neighborhoods where people approve of our household.

49. My children are given texts and classes which implicitly support our kind of family unit and do not turn them against my choice of domestic partnership.

50. I will feel welcomed and "normal" in the usual walks of public life, institutional and social.


Set about refuting them all because that's what privilege does.

I have worked hard for everything I have. I'll place the discrimination I have faced that included actual beatings and near death experiences...

But you're still alive.

...you want to tell me when you were ever beaten by a police officer?


Go ahead, you want to compare realities of oppression, prejudice, and discrimination? I'll take that bet and I am quite confident you will lose.

You continue to be confuse as I haven't spoken to my oppression, prejudice or discrimination against me.

And I'll pause there because I want to know what true discrimination you have experienced. I have been beaten by cops, and it doesn't seem being white did me much good.

Ain't no need to pause right there as I haven't said I've been oppressed, discriminated against, or elsewise.

So like I said, get a clue.

Darrell C

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Originally Posted by Darrell C View Post
It would be irrelevant if you displayed a Christian attitude towards man in general.

Again, save the manipulation. It's irrelevant. You might admit you just want to know. But you wanting to know doesn't make it salient to this.

Because you are a racist it makes your race relevant. Deny it if you like. If you were white then it would just make it more interesting to see how the Basis began.

But you make it relevant.

Nope. I said it isn't irrelevant. You're the one continuing to try and make it relevant because it would help your narrative of who you think I am.

To be honest, I simply think you are someone who, whether saved or no, has woefully neglected the Word of God and not allowed God to work in his heart.

I would be just as prone to address the racial statements of any white person. The funny thing is...I have never run across any.

Interesting, no?

Is being gay irrelevant for those seeking "equal rights" as gay people?

We're not talking about gay people.

No, we're talking about one's race being relevant to their racism. Is a white supremacist's race relevant? Well, let a Jew join the club and see how relevant an issue it is.

Are you seriously going to deny the racism that fuels many "equal rights" advocates? Apparently you cannot see your own racism, but it is plain to most here, I would think. Of course, I am sure you would see that as racism itself.

Again save the manipulation. I'm not gonna stop opposing the racism and racial prejudice on this board no matter how many times you or anyone else calls me satanic or a racist.

Correction: you are not going to stir up racial contention on this forum.

And you are blind to see that hatred of this nature doesn't come from the Lord. You claim Christ, go so far to say you have been commissioned by Him, yet you do not do what He did.

The commission we have deals with sin as the central issue in relations among men and man's relationship to God. You have completely obscured that with your delusional commission.

You do not understand you display the same mentality that those who were racist and called themselves Christians in that past displayed. And it all centers on ignorance of the Word of God. Most of us can see all men being made one in Christ as a simplistic concept, and do not get caught up in the political religionism some, like yourself, get caught up in.

Nice try again.

Hey thanks!

But the same Christian folks who stood idly by and tacitly gave their approval to the racial prejudices and racism of slavery and Jim Crow already tried to flip the switch to allay themselves of the responsibility.

No idea what you are talking about. Again you assume Christianity. Shall I condemn Christianity with you? Because "Christians" burned other people to death?

And for your information, I hold no responsibility for slavery and discrimination...at all. But that's how you maintain your hatred, by trying to manipulate the consciences of those who truly condemn those actions.

I'm not impressed by your attempt to do the same.

And no wonder, a false premise seldom gratifies even the one who refuses to be honest with himself.

And I have to wonder, your hesitance to say plainly if you are black or white, have you bought into the result of racism yourself? Does being black, if you are, make you feel less of a man? It shouldn't. Nor should there be the opposite, lol.

Again, save the manipulation. You want an answer to a question. Attempting to goad me isn't gonna manipulate me into telling you what you need to know for your narrative.

So stop wasting both of our time.

For your information, my friend, the truth is usually evident in non-response.

You already told me. We can move on now.


White or black, you are a black supremacist. Anyone striving for a particular race falls into that category.

I'm a Jesus Christ Supremacist

Sorry, no. For that to be true we would have to see you preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ, not the gospel you do preach.

That is what the Holy Spirit ministers in the lives of men, both before and after salvation.

because He reigns supreme.

Wish you believed that.

Now if only those blinded by white privilege could get to that point...

But this is all you can see. What you think you have ben deprived of. Privilege.

As a Christian, who is it you're supposed to be glorifying? Who is your, and all man's true enemy

Is that rhetorical?

Not at all. Answer the question, then show how your doctrine agrees with it.

Not sure how you can say that, I am dealing with the wickedness coming out of you, who say you are a follower of Christ.

Funny how you point the finger at others when you are just as guilty.

Really simple.

I agree.

I can take responsibility for mine.

You do? The you admit to a racist heart? You can freely admit the contempt you have for white people...you don't even know?

Is it sin to hate people based on race? There is quite a bit of instruction concerning the attitude of Jews towards Gentiles in the New Testament. But in regards to black/white issues, let me guess again...




Well-Known Member
Might have something to do with the fact there were just so many of them back then.

Yes, there's more of us so we can discriminate against everybody else because there's more of us. Right in line with the same things being done in this country by the majority for the last 400 years.

Then dern Chinese, they think China was built for orientals...

Orientals? Seriously? Is your name RD2 now?

You are a defeatist and I feel very sorry for you. Any black man can take the same initiative the underprivileged whites can...and make anything happen.

Ew, eww! I claim blindness on the field. White privilege has blinded this man to the truth.

Yes folks. That's why there are so many black people on the Forbes list of wealthiest Americans.

It is racist propaganda fellows such as yourself justify their racist attitudes with.

Please. Yall just don't want anyone calling your mess what it is.

It is a fact that there are good and bad Police Officers.

I never said otherwise.

That is the only relevant fact.

For you. Not for me and a slew of other folks.

Find me a Christian Cop that is a racist and oppresses black people and I will question his Christianity.

Find him yourself.

Christianity is made evident through Doctrine and Practice, and you are just as much in error as Atheists who revile Christianity because of what has taken place by so-called Christians. Show me a Biblical Justification for Crusades, with hunts, and bombing abortion clinics.

Then some of yall better have a little talk with Jesus then because if the doctrine by which the lot of you act the way that you do and treat people who don't hold your POVs the way that you do is supposed to be testimony of who you follow, God help us.

And I don't revile Christianity. I revile folks who give the way of Christ a false name because of their own racism and prejudice.

C'mon, Zaac, you love yourself and your people.

Still haven't got that clue yet , have ya? Some folks have even tried to help ya out. But you're a little dense I see.

You hate whites and Republicans.

Race baiter.

Do you advocate for abortion and gay rights as well? Be surprised to learn differently. No way you could vote Democratic if you didn't. You would have to elect a man who is okay with killing his grandchildren so his daughters don't have to be punished.

Man go on somewhere with this foolishness.

So quote what I have said that is racist.


As far as being a Baptist, this forum, if you were even the slight bit interested in Biblical Doctrine, evidences the differences of the different groups f Baptists, which means you cannot, as you do with whites, cast them all as identical in Doctrine and Practice.


But sorry, don't want to confuse you with the facts.

You can't confuse me with what you haven't put forth.

It's true. You know it, I know it, most everyone here knows it.

Now you still haven't figured out that I OBVIOUSLY don't give a flying hoot about what the majority here says. The majority here espouse their wicked ideologies everyday.

I think you like to instigate people to wrath so you can feed your anger when they respond emotionally. Gotta question that, Zaac.

Pure foolishness. You like so many others are just upset that I'm not your lapdog, bending to your whims to be right. I don't need group approval and I don't need to be in the little club.

The wickedness will continue to be called what it is, and if that gets you blood boiling, then stop espousing the wickedness.

Why not, as I have suggested, put your Doctrine to the test. Get involved in something other than racially centered issues. Actually read your Bible. Discuss it with Christians.

Something else upon which you don't have a clue.

You certainly live in a fantasy world. Christ did not end slavery, my friend.
Do the majority of people on this board have a reading problem? Where did I say Christ ended slavery?

The wickedness He opposes centers around man's relationship with God first, his relationship to the brethren second, his relationship with men afterwards.

If I could sing, I'd do the Bette Midler version of INSEPARABLE for ya. You can't separate love. Each flows out of the other. If you got one part of it right, you should have the other two correct.

If either of the second two are off, then your relationship with the first is OFF. And THAT is precisely where the wickedness is coming from. And that is why everything that is wanted by the lot of you politically will be blocked and you will continue to get more of what you don't want because of the unrepentant, unacknowledged wickedness that continues to flow.

You oppose, like many radical racist advocates, the end of racism, because you would be left with nothing to do.

Nice try. But save your manipulation.

I just can't see how you have helped anyone, much less blacks.

You didn't save me. I'm not gathering crowns to place at your feet.. So I'm good with what you can't see of me.

Again, apparently you suffer delusions of grandeur. The way this post reads...I think you equate yourself to MLK and...Moses.

You've made it clear that you just suffer from delusions.

You are a Political Religionist and there is really nothing funny about it. You are on a par with those who prefer to listen to Glen Beck than read their Bibles.

I didn't get past Political religionist.

I've addressed several, and you still dance around some core issues concerning slavery.

Sorry, you won't make me feel bad about being white. About being human, sure. But white? I had no more control over that than the millions of Jews had over their heritage.

Gosh, I don't care if you don't feel bad about being white. Being white isn't a sin last time I checked.

And again, I remind you that all men in Christ are one. There is no separation based on race or gender in the Christian worldview

And I remind you again, stop speaking out the side of your neck. There is no oneness with those some of you obviously see as less than yourselves. So say it as many times as you like, the other nastiness displayed really tells the true story.

Doesn't mean all Christians live up to that standard, but then, we have people like you who apparently nurture their racism because of their experiences with people of other races. Of course they are usually found to be completely clueless concerning the Word of God in the first place, so it stands to reason.

AFter all the just flat out wrong things you've said, you've got the audacity to talk about anyone having a clue. SMH.

Guess again. I don't make many friends on the forums, because I am not afraid to admit I disagree with someone.

Oh well.

You want to know what flagged me? You did, because you showed up with your racist vitriol in a Doctrinal Discussion forum. I would suggest you refrain from posing as a Christian who seeks to discuss Biblical Doctrine and limit yourself to the political and "Other Denominations" boards.

Racist vitriol in a forum verflowing with racial prejudice and racism. WOnder why you never noticed any of that. Must be the turtle in the pot before the heat was turned on.

Are you a Baptist? If not, you have no business cluttering the Baptist Discussion boards with your propaganda.

Don't you worry about what I am. I'll be here checking the wickedness just as long as God allows.

Darrell C

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You and yours

Again presuming to know what "You and yours" actually is. Guessing again...white people, right?

continue to blame everything on the black community and folks who are dead,

I have? Shame on me. Please quote me so I can publicly apologize for this indiscretion...

while never acknowledging that white racial prejudice and racism have contributed and continue to mar the race landscape in this country.

No doubt, but those guys feed off of the racism of black racists just as you feed off the racism of whites.

Ever been on a white supremacist forum? If not, why not?


I agree. I think we have to keep in mind that the Lord spoke of the many and the few. Statistics don't agree with that.

That is why it is so important, Zaac, to keep Christ the central focus.

Like I said, go back and read.

Your words? Sorry, Moses you ain't.

Instead of stirring up hatred and controversy and perpetuating race issues,

Man please. Calling folks negroes and never being able to acknowledge that the non-white POV just might have some merit stirs up all the hatred and controversy that's needed.

That's funny, the only people I ever hear using terminology like that are black people.

Saw a guy wearing a shirt that said "Tough young nigga" the other day. Why exactly do you think he wore that shirt? I'll tell you, because he has a heart like yours, likely. How many "Young tough whitey" shirts are there in the world, my friend?

That kind of blatant antagonism offends, I would not allow my nieces and nephew to speak like that, but it's okay for black people, right?

So keep stirring, my friend, just don't be surprised by the reactions you evoke.

you should be dealing with the true slavery that all men are faced with. Liberate a man from that slavery and then...deal with modern slavery.

The lot of you claim to know Jesus and to have already been set free.

The "lot of you?"

But no, you didn't say "all whites," right?

Does this mean I can justify adding liar to racist?

Yet the behavior and attitudes on here and throughout the church are the same that I see and hear from lost people.

I was thinking the same thing. Speaking with you is hauntingly like speaking with atheists.

But let's not live in the past. Who has kept you down? What has kept you from prospering in this country? Couldn't get a job? Baloney. Those who say they can't find a job usually mean "I can't find a job that I want."

There's plenty of what went on in the past going on right now. That's why I keep tieing slavery, Jim Crow and the present all in together. Different time, same story.

So what is going on right now?

Examples, my friend, examples.

And if you have anything that personally impacts you, do tell.


You live in a fantasy world that refuses to deal with reality. Sorry, that is just my assessment.

You feel free to your assessment.

I am free to my assessment.

I gave mine of what I see.

And I responded. Wish you would do the same.

My assessment just happens to align itself with Blacks and not the folks blinded by white privilege.

Again, where was that privilege when cops beat me?

If you for one minute think that the discrimination that goes on today is atrocity, and set yourself on a campaign against it, well guess what: you only display a hypocritical and self-serving mentality.

If you say so.

I do.


But again, you're not doing anything but repeating the same attitude that folks displayed about people opposing racism and racial prejudice during slavery and Jim Crow.

The stuff of fantasy.

Do you think there were no whites that opposed racism, prejudice, and slavery?

Fantasy which only includes details relevant to supporting a view. This happens in theological discussion as well, which, I will add, is certainly more interesting and profitable than this type of discussion. Over 7,000 posts, Zaac...what have you accomplished? Other than alienating yourself from people that could be your friends, if you would deign to have white friends, that is.

Did you look at the links? Do you really equate the "plight of the black man in America" with the true atrocities being carried out every day, probably on a minute to minute basis?



You think that the slaves of Africa are no worse off than yourself?

My, but the lengths of dishonesty some will go to...

It's real easy for white privilege to blind folks to the plight of Blacks because it's been blinding white folks to the plight of Blacks for 400 years.

Good thing the Lord put off His convicting ministry and has sent you to straighten White America out.

Again, I invite you to doctrinal discussion, Zaac.

And again, I could care less about your doctrine when your words don't display the love of Christ for what He loves.

He loves racist propaganda?

New to me.

Step away from what I see to be chains that have, if you are a Christian, placed you into a slavery that by far outweighs the slavery seen in America, and the repercussions are not just temporal, but eternal. That is not a veiled questioning of your salvation, my friend, it is a reference to those that you might be impacting for Christ which is eternal fruit not to be regretted.

Gosh, nice soliloquy.

Hey thanks!

But God's got this and I'll continue to oppose you or anyone else who displays an air of racism and racial prejudice against his neighbor.

No doubt.

We can be used of God to set men free, and that is the primary concern of the Body of Christ. Not establishing a better life here for ourselves, but seeking to establish an eternal abode for those still enslaved to sin, and the penalty of sin.


Wish you really believed that.

But men are not gonna be set free by those who treat them as less than a dead dog in the street.

So who treats you, or yours, like a dead dog in the street?

And I quote:

Ain't no need to pause right there as I haven't said I've been oppressed, discriminated against, or elsewise.

I guess you don't see that is in direct contrast to your doctrine, my friend.

Then you say...

So like I said, get a clue.

Think about it, there's humor there for the taking...

They aren't gonna listen to you and neither will anyone else around the world who keeps seeing the ATROCITIES perpetrated upon Blacks in the United States by some Whites.

Yeah, of course. Your African counterparts are absorbed in whether you get equal opportunity here or not. Best stay out of that country, Zaac, chances are black people would put you to death for your liberal views which conflict with how they do business.

God bless.

God bless.

Hey thanks. Take all the blessings I can get.

God bless.

Darrell C

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Have to get going for now, Zaac, so I will leave you with a question:

You talk about oppression of whites against blacks and yet have never even been victim of it to the extent I myself have as a white person.

Does this mean that you will sympathize with me? lol

Be back when I can.

God bless.

Darrell C

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Originally Posted by Darrell C View Post
I agree, and I will keep repeating it.

Show me a Scriptural basis for your doctrine. Show me how one could possibly confuse your campaign with Christian attitude and ministry.

Umm, I don't need your signature to do what God tells me to do. If you want a Scriptural basis, read your Bible without prejudice. I'm sure you'll come across something.

So how did the Lord tell you to begin this kind of ministry? Did He appear to you?

And how can you possibly think I can't read my Bible with prejudice, lol. Do you not understand that the Bible reveals all men for what they really are, and even for Christians...their shortcomings and need to be vigilant with great prejudice?

You would, I believe, be a slaver if you had that power. That is what your words reveal your heart to be.

Your words reveal you to currently be a slaver. That is what your words reveal your heart to be.

Like the redneck singer once put it..."I ain't hiding from nobody...nobody hiding from me."

No man is enslaved to me, lol.

So show me where I have lied.


Read what?

Your evasion is very telling.

Show me where I have been racist or oppressive.

Show me in that statement where I said you were racist or oppressive?

That's the point: you're doctrine is false.

You talk about this oppression and disadvantage of blacks yet admit...

Ain't no need to pause right there as I haven't said I've been oppressed, discriminated against, or elsewise.

So like I said, get a clue.

Then respond to the points made.

You haven't made any points. You've written a lot. But you haven't said anything except the same old same old.

How about the fact that there is still slavery in the world today?

How about the fact that you incredibly see your plight and the plight of "oppressed Black Americans" as equated to that of those who are truly still slaves.

How about the fact that you have never been "oppressed, discriminated against, or elsewise," yet you act as though somehow you have?

How about the fact that you have no Biblical, much less Christian basis for your doctrine and practice?

There are a few. I can review that thread and point out the things which you have evaded. Which you declare irrelevant and witchcraft.

It's a free country, my friend...unless one self-imposes slavery upon themselves.

Yep, that's why you get to feel however you want and say whatever you want. And I get to refute whatever I want and point out racism and racial prejudice when I see it.

But if you see it even where it isn't? lol

Answer the question.

Like I said, save your witchcraft. I'm not your puppet. There aren't strings attached to me that say speak and say what Darrell wants you to say.

Is there anyone in your life like that? Or do you simply live based on the Authority of Zaac? Bet you weren't the puppet of your teachers or employees either, were you?

Now...answer the question:

Who instilled that in you, Zaac? Parents? Grandparents?

The only thing you have to fear is...being honest with yourself.

You didn't get it from the Lord. You didn't get it from Scripture. So where does it come from?

Are you going to tell me that your parents and grandparents taught you not to be racist, even though some whites were? If that is the case...the question still remains.

More witchcraft.

I think I like "irrelevant" better, lol. I mean, if your going to be evasive, that carries a little bit more of a reasonable quality.

How about an answer? Did your parents and grandparents teach not to be racist because it is wrong? Or were you not their puppet either if they did?

You did not get it from the Word of God, you did not get it from the Spirit of God, and you did not get it from personal oppression and slavery. I can understand if relatives were treated badly, and how that might engender hatred, but a Christian is not given license to hate.

More witchcraft.

You kill me, lol.

"...a Christian is not given license to hate."

Yup, gotta be witchcraft...

It's wickedness to admit to facts?

It's wickedness to admit YOUR facts that are really just your opinions.

It's not an opinion that slavery still exists and Black People in America are better off in this country than most of their countries of origin.

Fact, not an opinion. I don't see anyone asking for a plane ticket home.

Do you also hate your black ancestors that gathered up slaves and sold them? Do you hate those blacks in Africa today who are still doing that?

Again, get a clue.

Which is Zaac speak for "Er, ahem, uh...don't have an answer..."

So answer the question, Zaac...do you also recognize the wickedness of black men who are today enslaving black people? Not even a clue will answer this, it has to come from your heart with honesty.

How you can overlook that wickedness and sit around bemoaning what Black Americans are deprived of, and the advantage whites have over blacks...is astounding. Really.

You're a hypocrite.

I've been called worse by better people.

I am sure, but then, that doesn't take much.

Do you also break into people's places of business and steal their possessions? Set houses on fire? Bash people over the head with bricks?


Oh so those events were justified because of the black man's atrocious history here in America.

Let a group of white people commit those crimes and see what happens.

But then, black people have certain advantages white people don't have, right?

You, Zaac, will be held accountable for your part in stirring up such hatred.

Like I said before, me and God are good. I don't have any problem doing what HE says to do. So don't think for a moment that I'll shrink back in fear because you start mentioning accountability for something HE says to do. Just laughable. And I really don't know why you keep trying t manipulate responses.

I don't want you to shrink back in fear, lol, what I want you to do, really, is engage in a Biblical discussion. I want you to justify your racist mentality and your delusion that Christ has put salvation on hold in favor of political agendas.

And who is manipulating responses? I am asking pointed questions which you cannot and will not answer because it destroys your doctrine.

Does this work with the other people with whom you speak?



And by the way, feel free to critique. I probably get more discrimination directed towards me than most because I am a futurist, covenantal, Pre-Tribulation believer.

So don't feel pregnant, my friend, I irritate quite a few, and I address their posts no differently than I do yours.

Can you show me where I said they didn't?

Can you show me where I said YOU didn't?

You imply it. You vilify whites in general. Deny it.

If I were to base my opinion on black people on your doctrine, I would probably conclude that only black people matter. Well, American Black people, that is. I don't see any concern for Africans that are still slaves.

Well that would tell us again that you don't know what you're talking about and it has nothing to do with anything I said.

I do know...what you're talking about. You have equated your "plight" to valid aggression, oppression, and slavery that goes on, is going on...right now.

You can't imagine how ridiculous that is going to sound to most people.

You don't care about anything that does not profit yourself, apparently.

Not just me, but many people groups. Do you equate it with the holocaust?

I equate it with what wicked white men have done during slavery and Jim Crow and what they continue to do today.

What do you mean "equate it with." Do I need to remind you...that's your subject? lol

Say, you're not taking a nip, are you?

Good thing Germany lost, they also hated everyone other than their own group.

The old white men in this country must have taken notes from the Germans.

I think it might be true to say that even the average whitey reviles Nazi Germany.


Darrell C

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No you don't. If that were the case, we would be hearing Zaac speak about Modern Slavery. We would see Zaac speaking about Christian Persecution, where, it's not a matter of someone's feeling being hurt, it's a matter where people's heads are being cut off. their tongues cut out, their hands lopped off, and imprisonment for their faith in Christ.

See again, white privilege may have elected you as the head of everything around you.

Actually, hard work established my own environment where I might be viewed as having a good amount of control over my circumstances.

But what relevance is that in regards to my statement?

C'mon, Zaac, you really don't care about Christians, do you? You don't really care about blacks suffering slavery in African domains, do you? You don't care about children sold into sexual slavery, do you.

You care about Zaac and you use the Black Man to further your agenda.

But you're not the head of Zaac.

I don't think Zaac has a Head.

Now that, my friend, is just an opinion. You are free to prove me wrong.

You and your OPINION don't get to dictate what I should be speaking too or about.

If I can't even get you to answer the questions and points raised, what makes you think I think I can dictate what you should or do say.

But in regards to your charade of racial contention that you feel is a Christian endeavor...I have every right to address that.

So again, save the witchcraft for someone who doesn't see it for what it is.

You know it's the truth that negates an honest dialogue on your part.

Witchcraft, hardly. Be careful, before too long there will be a witch movement. They too have suffered in early America.


The name on my avatar says Zaac.

Hypocrite is a description, not a name. You are a hypocrite because you are guilty of the very thing you rail at. You are a racist, and only one of your fellow religionists would deny that.

Just for the record, I too play the hypocrite from time to time. All of us, Zaac, fail to meet the standard of perfection in the temporal. That's what you are missing in Scripture. It is just a basic Bible Principle which should cause is to have compassion for those that persecute us.

You know, like Christ actually commanded...

You live in a fantasy world. Not sure how anyone can equate rabble-rousing like this to Christianity. Not sure how anyone can place this issue as the all important issue of the day.

I live in a wicked world in which folks call themselves followers of Christ but continue to exhibit the same wickedness as do people who never knew Him.

Well could you take your world somewhere else, lol.

Seriously, you are the Creator of your world, Zaac. You don't have to live there, you know. It will eat you up like a cancer my friend.

I don't need you to see how people can do anything.

People can't do anything, Zaac, we have rules we live by both as Christians as well as Americans. You, for example, cannot go into the Baptist Board. You're admitting that you are not a Baptist, unless I am mistaken, prevents you from that.

Again, it is self-centered, self-serving, and quite in contradiction to a Christian world-view.

Again, it's Christ-centered, Christ-serving and aligned with the Christ view.

So show me in Scripture where this doctrine and practice can be found.

Show me how Christ justifies in any way your racism.

If that contradicts YOUR version of a Christian view, that's fine. I don't want to be the type Christian that some of you display yourselves to be.

I debate my Christian view on a daily basis, my friend. And believe it or not it is through those disagreements and debates that I have learned.

And I can understand not wanting to be a Christian such as myself, it gets pretty lonely.

Not true. You don't have a Biblical worldview that recognizes the true condition of the hearts of men.

Ohh, why don't I just adopt yours then all will be well in my world.

Don't be silly, lol. What I would like to see you adopt is a Biblical view. Now if you want to debate what a Biblical view is, then again I extend the invitation to step away from your campaign of racist contention and self-serving and engage in Doctrinal Debate.


Darrell C

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I am very interested in racial as well as religious prejudice in Europe. Are you aware that Islam's violence can be linked directly to the Muslim population? The more Muslims, the more violence.

Are you aware that racism and racial prejudice can be linked directly to the old white population?

Do tell. Just include the racism and racial prejudice of the old black guys too, if your going to be honest.

But great evasion.

The more old Whites, the more racism and racial prejudice.

So the answer is more old black guys? lol

How about more informed and well studied Christians? Naw...that'll never work.

However, that doesn't mean I think Muslims should suffer persecution either. But I am not going to ignore the entire story, as you do, because it profits me.

I'm in the US. When I'm in Europe, I'll address their wickedness.

Bon voyage.

Not so great an evasion and yet more indication you suffer delusions of grandeur.

Are you a Muslim, Zaac?

Are you a grand dragon in the KLAN , Darrell?

No, but I watched Braveheart once...


Oh, that Klan. No, I can say with sincere and open honesty, unlike you, who seem to have a problem answering certain questions, that not only do I reject white supremacy, I question certain groups that exist that I think are racist groups.

So you cannot admit not being a Muslim. Member of the Black Panthers? Or a supporter of them? Do you feel those who intimidated voters at the polls were justified?

Let me guess...irrelevant witchcraft, right?

Sorry, lol, common sense allows me to examine an issue, and salvation allows me to do so with a little more clarity than natural men.

Your common sense allows you to see what white privilege has conditioned you to see.

On the contrary, I think that issue has been addressed by myself and evaded by you.

It wasn't white privilege that helped me become a business owner.

I built it myself, despite the discrimination I faced, and still face. Many of the employees that I have had have been detrimental to the business. I've hired whites and blacks alike, and among both I have had them steal from me, and do drugs while on the job. Had a customer, nice black lady, who snitched on a black employee who didn't get to work until 2:30 but put down 9:00 am on his timecard.

Wasn't racism that led me to let him go. Wasn't me depriving him of an opportunity not only to work, but to receive training in a trade.

He did it to himself, as did the white boys who have also been fired.

You seek to avoid the point, but it still remains. Your plight is trifling in comparison with the harsh realities of slavery.

If you say so. But Lord willing, tomorrow, I'll be right back here again pointing out the same wickedness that He says to point out.

So what wickedness of mine has He directed you to point out? What exactly is my sin against black people, Zaac. Against you?

You should be ashamed that you ignore these realities.

I have no shame in ignoring YOUR opinions.

Nor should you, and when I offer an opinion I will let you know. Now if you want to test whether my view of your doctrine is Biblical or merely opinion, again, the invitation is extended to join in on doctrinal debate.

Again, what makes you think it is Christians you are speaking of? Because they said they were? That is about as credible as your claim to a Spirit led campaign of hatred and racist propaganda.

So under the same vein, I shouldn't trust a word that you say just because you seem to think you're being Spirit led.

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Give that man a cigar!

That is 100% correct.

You can only trust the Word of God as a supreme measure of truth. The individual views of men must be tested in accordance with the Word of God. And you will find examples of how that is done if you care to see who else I irritate.



Darrell C

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I'm still waiting for you to deal with the material already presented.

Keep convincing yourself that you can dictate what I do.

Do it!

(did it work?)

It's okay, Zaac, I understand fully. Must be aggravating to have doctrine one cannot defend.

So comment on Modern Slavery and tell me why you aren't seeking to help raise awareness of those issues?


Answer the question.

You might evade answering to me, I just hope you have not so completely deceived your own heart that you won't at least consider why you cannot answer.

Could it be that it is contrary to the illusion of oppression which you seek to justify your campaign with? Because it exposes blacks as being just as ready to enslave as whites?


Just the cold hard facts of natural men, amigo.

Blacks are just as guilty of this as whites, and when it comes to White Americans' transgressions in regards to Modern Slavery, they pale in comparison to the blacks in Africa.

Your people, my friend, are just as culpable. But we can't confuse your truth with reality, now can we?

get a clue.

I would say "give a clue" but it remains true..."out of the mouth comes the abundance of the heart."

You don't just give clues you expose your heart for the world to see.

Sure it is, depending what it is that is opposed.

But opposing Christians? Wake up.

Read your Bible.

When Christians are the ones spreading the wickedness, you're darn skippy I'll oppose it.

So show me Christians "spreading the wickedness."

And don't call me skippy. lol

Read your Bible.

Do so on a daily basis. When is the last time you opened yours?

I do go everywhere in the world to speak to people about what is going on in America.

What, no "irrelevant?

And since when is it the responsibility of Christians to do something other than what they are commanded in Scripture? It is that mentality that justified the Crusades, isn't it?

Take your own advice and read your Bible.

I do, on a daily basis.

When is the last time you opened yours. You don't have to answer that one either, Zaac, except to yourself.

What exactly do you read, anyway? Be curious to know.

Well, you seem to be adept at ignoring what others have to say, so go ahead, add that to your database of misinformation.

I'm as adept at ignoring foolishness as you are at typing it.

Now if I can just get you to let reality slip in a little. If I can just get you to see that your campaign ignores quite a bit of reality that would make any sensible person acknowledge their cause is not the only, or worst plight in this world, then perhaps you might turn your sights on what Christ really teaches.

God bless.

Darrell C

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Originally Posted by Darrell C View Post
Might have something to do with the fact there were just so many of them back then.

Yes, there's more of us so we can discriminate against everybody else because there's more of us. Right in line with the same things being done in this country by the majority for the last 400 years.

Thank goodness for the white people that did not agree with slavery, eh?

Oh, that's right, can't say anything good about whites. It destroys your platform.

Then dern Chinese, they think China was built for orientals...

Orientals? Seriously? Is your name RD2 now?

Poor R2D2, not even he was free from discrimination...

You are a defeatist and I feel very sorry for you. Any black man can take the same initiative the underprivileged whites can...and make anything happen.

Ew, eww!

I knew it: you're really a thirteen year old girl, aren't you?

Well, missy, there you go again denying the equality of the Black Man. Shame, shame, shame...

I claim blindness on the field. White privilege has blinded this man to the truth.

Yes folks. That's why there are so many black people on the Forbes list of wealthiest Americans.

Well, just how many black people are on it?

Of the 1,645 people who made it to the 2014 FORBES list of the World’s Billionaires, 9 of them are black, up from 7 a year ago.

Does Oprah feel the same way you do? I will admit that there are more whites but that doesn't change the fact that despite the odds...black people can prosper every bit as much as whites.

Looks like things are looking up for black folk, doesn't it? Women as well. Of course, the first self made female millionaire in America was...a black woman.

It is racist propaganda fellows such as yourself justify their racist attitudes with.

Please. Yall just don't want anyone calling your mess what it is.

That's Ya'all, son.

I mean, if your going to profile, at least get the spelling right.


It is a fact that there are good and bad Police Officers.

I never said otherwise.

You did:

Originally Posted by Zaac View Post
And the same exists in our law enforcement and can be seen from slave patrols to overseers to the Black Codes to lynching, it is a fact.

That is the only relevant fact.

For you. Not for me and a slew of other folks.

Again, I have suffered at the hands of bad cops.

You guys have no monopoly on the market.

Find me a Christian Cop that is a racist and oppresses black people and I will question his Christianity.

Find him yourself.

You can't find him, because you create caricature realities. If you do find one, again, his Christianity will be called into question.

Christianity is made evident through Doctrine and Practice, and you are just as much in error as Atheists who revile Christianity because of what has taken place by so-called Christians. Show me a Biblical Justification for Crusades, with hunts, and bombing abortion clinics.

Then some of yall better have a little talk with Jesus then because if the doctrine by which the lot of you act the way that you do and treat people who don't hold your POVs the way that you do is supposed to be testimony of who you follow, God help us.

In other words you feel that the Lord's messengers never rebuke anyone? lol

The difference between my own rebukes in discussion and debate is that it never even broaches race relations outside of a Biblical context and it usually has a Scriptural presentation to back up my view.

Something Scripture will never afford to your doctrine and practice.

And I don't revile Christianity.

You do.

You have done so many times in the short exchanges we have had.

I'm here to defend Christianity, not whites. You, my friend, cannot claim the same.

I revile folks who give the way of Christ a false name because of their own racism and prejudice.

No you don't, you revel in it.

C'mon, Zaac, you love yourself and your people

Still haven't got that clue yet , have ya?

Out of your mouth the abundance of your heart is revealed.

Some folks have even tried to help ya out. But you're a little dense I see.

A little? lol

I work hard at everything I do to compensate for that fact.

You hate whites and Republicans.

Race baiter.

Now if that isn't the pot calling the kettle brass.


Admit it, you do. Your whole life revolves around a democratic worldview and the garbage those people engender.

That is a guess based on the clues you give. Like not answering whether you endorse abortion or gay marriage. The truth will reveal you for who you are, who and what you stand for, and who your master really is. You are a slave to your emotions and prejudices.

Do you advocate for abortion and gay rights as well? Be surprised to learn differently. No way you could vote Democratic if you didn't. You would have to elect a man who is okay with killing his grandchildren so his daughters don't have to be punished.

Man go on somewhere with this foolishness.

I will. Going out of town Saturday and haven't decided if I will return to BaptistBoard or find another forum to target. That is what I do, my friend. I advise against what I call "roosting," because often people can fall prey to feeding the ole ego, if you know what I mean. I usually limit my stay to a 1000 posts. That's usually enough to draw out the right antagonists.

Takes courage to seek out new antagonists. Easy to sit around and repeat one's self. I suggest you take your fight to those who are relevant to your crusade, and find white supremacy forums. I'm sure they're out there.

So quote what I have said that is racist.


So quote what I have said that is racist.


Darrell C

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As far as being a Baptist, this forum, if you were even the slight bit interested in Biblical Doctrine, evidences the differences of the different groups f Baptists, which means you cannot, as you do with whites, cast them all as identical in Doctrine and Practice.


Of course, all facts that are inconvenient to your religion are irrelevant.

But sorry, don't want to confuse you with the facts.

You can't confuse me with what you haven't put forth.

And you can't lie to yourself that you have refused, quite often, to answer direct question with straight and honest answers. If your religion doesn't allow you to answer, perhaps you should reconsider your religion.

It's true. You know it, I know it, most everyone here knows it.

Now you still haven't figured out that I OBVIOUSLY don't give a flying hoot about what the majority here says.

On the contrary, that was apparent from the first post I read, lol. But thanks to the clues you like to give, I can see that you don't care about much other than yourself and your campaign of racist contention.

The majority here espouse their wicked ideologies everyday.

How would you know? Because your religion restricts you to the Political Board? So you can bash whites, republicans, and the Body of Christ?

I think you like to instigate people to wrath so you can feed your anger when they respond emotionally. Gotta question that, Zaac.

Pure foolishness.

Just the facts.

You like so many others are just upset that I'm not your lapdog, bending to your whims to be right.

Sorry, I learned long ago to divorce myself from emotion when I debate. Kind of sidetracks the issues.

And again, I do not try to direct people to myself or my doctrine, and that can be seen in my posts, should you decide to get your head out of the sand and actually find out what it is Christians discuss, debate, and argue over.

I don't need group approval and I don't need to be in the little club.

I see that. Zaac is an Island. Zaac is his own master.

Or so he thinks...

The wickedness will continue to be called what it is, and if that gets you blood boiling, then stop espousing the wickedness.

First, let me tell you what gets my blood boiling. Well, can't think of anything, let me get back to you on that.

Secondly, as asked of you several times, please quote what exactly it is that has you charging me with espousing wickedness. Rather than simply confronting someone I see as very confused and enslaved to racist bondage.

Why not, as I have suggested, put your Doctrine to the test. Get involved in something other than racially centered issues. Actually read your Bible. Discuss it with Christians.

Something else upon which you don't have a clue.

How would you know?

Try it out, Zaac. Might actually lead to something.

You certainly live in a fantasy world. Christ did not end slavery, my friend.

Do the majority of people on this board have a reading problem? Where did I say Christ ended slavery?

Yes Zaac, everyone is confused except you. We see that now, and ask your forgiveness.

The premise of your hatred against white people today extends to the practice of slavery as we see in Early America. You claim to be led of God in a campaign to raise men to an awareness of the plight of the oppression black people still suffer.

The truth is that Christ promised we would, while we are in this world...suffer tribulation.

But here you are declaring that Christ means to end that oppression, contrary to what is recorded in Scripture. We also see that slavery continued to exist in Biblical times. Paul did not reprimand Philemon for having a slave, but pled mercy for his runaway slave...because he was a brother!

So you see, my friend, when you preach a message that is not in harmony with what we know God has said, you are declared a false teacher, by command of God which can be held as authoritative.

You set yourself over the Word of God and make yourself an authority that you clearly are not.


Darrell C

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The wickedness He opposes centers around man's relationship with God first, his relationship to the brethren second, his relationship with men afterwards.

If I could sing, I'd do the Bette Midler version of INSEPARABLE for ya. You can't separate love. Each flows out of the other. If you got one part of it right, you should have the other two correct.

Nothing in there about separation of love, Zaac, but rather about relational priorities. I have taught a consistent view of relational priorities for years. The above is in a context of this thread.

But go ahead and sing, lol. The only thing I ever cared for from Bette Midler was her cover of "Beast of Burden." And that was before I was saved.

If either of the second two are off, then your relationship with the first is OFF. And THAT is precisely where the wickedness is coming from.

You got that backwards, amigo. you don't create a relationship with God and sustain that relationship through the other relationships in our lives.

And that is why everything that is wanted by the lot of you politically will be blocked and you will continue to get more of what you don't want because of the unrepentant, unacknowledged wickedness that continues to flow.

I don't look to Government for the answers. I don't kid myself this is a Christian Nation ran by Christians. Why do you think I voted for Romney. Proven leader with undeniable economic knowhow. If Americans had voted on the issues, Romney was the suitable choice. So anyone crying out about a so-called recession that voted for Obama need to have their heads checked for dents.

You oppose, like many radical racist advocates, the end of racism, because you would be left with nothing to do.

Nice try. But save your manipulation.

Nice try, but save your evasive maneuvers.

Face it, you eat this kind of thing up. You're the kind of person who isn't happy unless he is miserable, and you have my complete sympathy.

I just can't see how you have helped anyone, much less blacks.

You didn't save me. I'm not gathering crowns to place at your feet.. So I'm good with what you can't see of me.

Didn't mention salvation, Zaac, in view is your fictitious campaign through which you shamefully exploit black people.

Again, apparently you suffer delusions of grandeur. The way this post reads...I think you equate yourself to MLK and...Moses.

You've made it clear that you just suffer from delusions.

Not any more, but that has been true in my old life, lol. They said I needed medication for that...

You are a Political Religionist and there is really nothing funny about it. You are on a par with those who prefer to listen to Glen Beck than read their Bibles.

I didn't get past Political religionist.

I know.

Trying to help you with that.

I've addressed several, and you still dance around some core issues concerning slavery.

Sorry, you won't make me feel bad about being white. About being human, sure. But white? I had no more control over that than the millions of Jews had over their heritage.

Gosh, I don't care if you don't feel bad about being white. Being white isn't a sin last time I checked.

According to you it is, lol.

And you're here to point out their wickedness for being white.

And again, I remind you that all men in Christ are one. There is no separation based on race or gender in the Christian worldview

And I remind you again, stop speaking out the side of your neck. There is no oneness with those some of you obviously see as less than yourselves.

Who are you talking about?

Quote me, or anyone here that views blacks as sub-human. That have a supremacy complex even half as bad as you.

So say it as many times as you like, the other nastiness displayed really tells the true story.

You think I am being nasty by being honest with you?

Hope no-one ever holds a door for you. You probably think they thought you couldn't do it yourself.

Doesn't mean all Christians live up to that standard, but then, we have people like you who apparently nurture their racism because of their experiences with people of other races. Of course they are usually found to be completely clueless concerning the Word of God in the first place, so it stands to reason.

AFter all the just flat out wrong things you've said, you've got the audacity to talk about anyone having a clue.

So what was wrong?

Better yet, how about going back and answering the points and questions you ignored.

Okay, here I'll admit...no clue whatsoever. lol

Guess again. I don't make many friends on the forums, because I am not afraid to admit I disagree with someone.

Oh well.

I thought that at least deserved an "Irrelevant!" or a "Withcraft!"

Oh well...

You want to know what flagged me? You did, because you showed up with your racist vitriol in a Doctrinal Discussion forum. I would suggest you refrain from posing as a Christian who seeks to discuss Biblical Doctrine and limit yourself to the political and "Other Denominations" boards.

Racist vitriol in a forum verflowing with racial prejudice and racism. WOnder why you never noticed any of that. Must be the turtle in the pot before the heat was turned on.

The reason I never noticed it is because politics are the least of my concerns.

Why I did notice was due to you, the instigator of racial contention...invaded the Doctrinal Section.

As far as the arguing that goes on between democrats and republicans, well, there's enough to debate without having to get into racial contention. That I am quite familiar with, and every once in a while jump into the fray.

Are you a Baptist? If not, you have no business cluttering the Baptist Discussion boards with your propaganda.

Don't you worry about what I am.

I do worry, Zaac, because I am having a hard time seeing a Christian element to your posts.

I'll be here checking the wickedness just as long as God allows.

Correction: you will likely be here roosting in your own vitriol. Stirring up emotions by levying charges of wickedness against white people.

In other words, creating an atmosphere where your religion can thrive.

And that, my friend, is all for the night. Probably going to be my last post to you, unless you take up my offer to join in some Theological Debate and discussion. The religion you espouse in this board holds very little interest to me, and the falsehoods you present are best left to you and your fellow Political Religionists to squabble over.

I hope to see you in the other religions board. Sincerely.

God bless.


Well-Known Member
I have done extensive research on parts of my family and found my ggg-Grandfather was a Baptist preacher in Mississippi in the 1800's. He was born in 1828 died in 1898. On his biography on find a grave he is listed as a pastor, educator and staunch abolitionist. Note he was an ABOLITIONIST in Mississippi before and during the civil war. He would be one of those old white men Zaac speaks of but he spoke out against slavery in the southernest state of all.

I grew up a poor middle class kid, worked hard and established myself by the hard work. My first job was with a Garbage service and the driver my boss was an African American, guess what Zaac, he was the boss and I followed his orders, why because he was in charge and the boss. I had no privilege from slavery.


Well-Known Member
I have done extensive research on parts of my family and found my ggg-Grandfather was a Baptist preacher in Mississippi in the 1800's. He was born in 1828 died in 1898. On his biography on find a grave he is listed as a pastor, educator and staunch abolitionist. Note he was an ABOLITIONIST in Mississippi before and during the civil war. He would be one of those old white men Zaac speaks of but he spoke out against slavery in the southernest state of all.

I grew up a poor middle class kid, worked hard and established myself by the hard work. My first job was with a Garbage service and the driver my boss was an African American, guess what Zaac, he was the boss and I followed his orders, why because he was in charge and the boss. I had no privilege from slavery.

if you're white, you certainly did.


Well-Known Member
if you're white, you certainly did.

No way you aren't me and have no idea what my upbringing was or how we had to rake and scrape to survive. But we made it why because we worked hard and made it. I wasn't given a break on school work in school nor in sports. I had to work for it and that is not privilege. Privilege per the dictionary, "a right, immunity, or benefit enjoyed only by a person beyond the advantages of most:" that definitely doesn't fit me. It also means "a special right, immunity, or exemption granted to persons in authority or office to free them from certain obligations or liabilities:" more "a grant to an individual, corporation, etc., of a special right or immunity, under certain conditions. the principle or condition of enjoying special rights or immunities.any of the rights common to all citizens under a modern constitutional government:" Not one of these fits me in any shape form or fashion.


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No way you aren't me and have no idea what my upbringing was or how we had to rake and scrape to survive. But we made it why because we worked hard and made it. I wasn't given a break on school work in school nor in sports. I had to work for it and that is not privilege. Privilege per the dictionary, "a right, immunity, or benefit enjoyed only by a person beyond the advantages of most:" that definitely doesn't fit me. It also means "a special right, immunity, or exemption granted to persons in authority or office to free them from certain obligations or liabilities:" more "a grant to an individual, corporation, etc., of a special right or immunity, under certain conditions. the principle or condition of enjoying special rights or immunities.any of the rights common to all citizens under a modern constitutional government:" Not one of these fits me in any shape form or fashion.

Don't let him back you up into explaining yourself. He is a troll nothing more.


Well-Known Member
This points out your ego, as well as your paranoia. I would tell you that they have medicines for your condition but I am opposed to the slavery of psych meds as well, so, nope, not gonna do it...

I can prescribe something for your psychosis.

Every one's out to get poor little Zaac, because he's a black man, and there are a lot of whites on this forum, presumably. Your condition is self-imposed. Try going to a predominately white Christian Forum and speaking about Doctrine, which is why most of us are here.

Like I've said many times. Get a clue.

You might make a friend or two, even if you are black. Believe it or not...some of us are equal opportunity discriminators. Just ask the Atheists I speak to. Ask, in fact, those wicked white Post-Tribulationists.


I don't care your color, or your race. All I care about is your doctrine. And sometimes I will mention Practice, lol.

I haven't shared doctrine with you. Nice try. But stop begging. It's not a good look on a grown man.

Again, your inflated ego actually thinks those here are interested in your vitriol.

And you seem to think I'm interested in yours.

I only have to read one post to know who you are and what doctrine you bring. I responded to that post. I responded to another. And I didn't, believe it or not, know the color of your skin, just the content of your doctrine.

And I only had to read one of your post to know that you are just another who thinks he's gonna shut me up. Stop wasting your time.

You are as equally damaging to the cause of Christ as any Atheist Minister. And if I oppose your doctrine, understand it is doctrinal only. If we were to interact in the real world, my friend, chances are I would respond to this kind of doctrine there as well. But, if you were like most people, and behaved as civilized people do, then it would probably be just like my dealings with any other black person I deal with.

And you and yours are just as dangerous as any lost person.

What friends? If you read my posts you will see that most of it has to do with disagreement. I am not here to make friends, but to discuss doctrine, and I'll admit, I like to debate.

I haven't given you any doctrine. Discuss that with your friends.

Your racism consumes you, Zaac. That's why you neglect doctrinal discussions. I could show you what consumes other members here as well, if you like. Every thread they are in turns to that consuming issue which binds them as precludes growth. For some it is the Calv/Arm issue. For some it is the Catholic/Protestant issue. For some it is the post/Pre Tribulation issue.

I think you're just crushing on me.

For you...it is the black/white issue, and that has no place in the heart of any Christian.

Save it for someone who is listening to you. Next. I truly bore of you and your need to discuss doctrine. Off to IGNORE land with you.


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If he won't tell us the if his skin color is dark, light or in between, I have nothing to explain.

You have nothing to explain anyway. If you do you lose. He is a troll he most likely doesn't even believe the garbage he says. He just wants a rise out of you. Leave it be.