Originally Posted by Darrell C View Post
This points out your ego, as well as your paranoia. I would tell you that they have medicines for your condition but I am opposed to the slavery of psych meds as well, so, nope, not gonna do it...
I can prescribe something for your psychosis.
They already did that. And what I found is that the meds put me in a fog. I ran out while visiting a friend in S. Carolina, and then the fog lifted. I looked around and said "What in the world and I am doing here," lol, came back to Richmond, got saved, and went back to work.
You see, Zaac, that's another one of Satan's ploys: convince people they have a mental condition, prescribe meds, and effectively put them out of business. Many who seek governmental help end up that way. The Lord kept me from such a life. It is a slavery in itself. Pharmacy is one of Satan's more deceitful ploys.
But thanks for the offer. Would that prescription come in a bottle, maybe? Haven't had drugs or alcohol since about January of 95.
I don't care your color, or your race. All I care about is your doctrine. And sometimes I will mention Practice, lol.
I haven't shared doctrine with you. Nice try. But stop begging. It's not a good look on a grown man.
You have shared doctrine with me, Zaac. This is no different than an atheist saying "Atheists don't have doctrine!"
And like most liberal doctrines with agendas, you seek to push it on others. Christians share their doctrine, but we understand that a person cannot become a Christian through force or the efforts of men. Only God can change hearts. Only God enlightens blind men. And only God regenerates men.
Again, your inflated ego actually thinks those here are interested in your vitriol.
And you seem to think I'm interested in yours.
I have no such delusion, lol.
I only have to read one post to know who you are and what doctrine you bring. I responded to that post. I responded to another. And I didn't, believe it or not, know the color of your skin, just the content of your doctrine.
And I only had to read one of your post to know that you are just another who thinks he's gonna shut me up. Stop wasting your time.
I wouldn't have gone through all the trouble of the posts if I wanted to shut you up. And I do not see it as a waste of time. You see, I think your life matters very much. Your race is not an issue, but your doctrine is.
But I have also made it a point not to rehash the same issues with people who only talk at others, instead of talking with them. Again, your bondage to this satanic doctrine is self-imposed. Christians on Forums don't ordinarily make an issue out of race, it is always about doctrine. That's what is important to Christians, or at least...should be. It is true there are those passionate about their political positions, and some who fall into the error of Political Religiosity, but again it is not usually about race. On issues such as the shootings that get highly publicized, race does come up. As I said, there's good and bad in all races. And it's a shame the media only publicizes that which is controversial. You'll hear about a white cop shooting a black guy, but when's the last time you heard about missionary efforts, or Christian Persecution? The latter takes place on a daily basis but hardly a word is said in the news.
Because nobody cares. Everyone has their own interests. Their own agenda. Their own goals.
You are as equally damaging to the cause of Christ as any Atheist Minister. And if I oppose your doctrine, understand it is doctrinal only. If we were to interact in the real world, my friend, chances are I would respond to this kind of doctrine there as well. But, if you were like most people, and behaved as civilized people do, then it would probably be just like my dealings with any other black person I deal with.
And you and yours are just as dangerous as any lost person.
Yeah, sure, going to send a lot of people to Hell speaking to them about Christ.
If you don't want to get stung, my friend, don't stir up the bee-hive, lol. If I went to a predominately black forum that was a Christian forum, and incessantly began threads about the evils of black people, what do you think the emotional response is going to be?
Here's a few threads that might stir up that emotion:
Blacks Vote Democratic To Maintain Their Special Privileges.
Blacks Do Not Obey Laws
The Law Does Not Apply To Blacks
Blacks Are Murdering Each Other
Blacks Make Terrible Fathers
I could take media clippings and statistics and establish the same thing you seek to establish here. I could, like you, condemn blacks as a whole based on the actions of some.
But why would a Christian do that?
Personally...I don't think one would. He would have to be so out of the will of the Father to breed hatred and contention that I would fear for that person's physical life, because the death penalty is still a valid punishment for Christians in the temporal. They may be eternally saved, but they do not have license to be in disobedience to God, nor help Satan in his handiwork.
What friends? If you read my posts you will see that most of it has to do with disagreement. I am not here to make friends, but to discuss doctrine, and I'll admit, I like to debate.
I haven't given you any doctrine. Discuss that with your friends.
You have, and not often I discuss other members with other members. This discussion is personal, though it barely meets the criteria for discussion. There's a difference with talking to and talking at. And that is what you have done in refusing to answer points and questions.
Your racism consumes you, Zaac. That's why you neglect doctrinal discussions. I could show you what consumes other members here as well, if you like. Every thread they are in turns to that consuming issue which binds them as precludes growth. For some it is the Calv/Arm issue. For some it is the Catholic/Protestant issue. For some it is the post/Pre Tribulation issue.
I think you're just crushing on me.
Again, no clue as to what that means.
Everything I have said has been an effort to help you. Some of it sounds harsh, but if you go back and look at what you refused to answer, there you will find what your heart is telling you is error.
For you...it is the black/white issue, and that has no place in the heart of any Christian.
Save it for someone who is listening to you. Next. I truly bore of you and your need to discuss doctrine. Off to IGNORE land with you.
That's okay, my friend, I am going out of town anyway, and this is my last day for a while, and I wanted to get back into the fray in the doctrinal section. Again I invite you to turn your thoughts and your heart to the Word of God. There is no better means of growth for us, and it deals directly with the heart on a very personal level.
There's nothing wrong with you being offended at how blacks were treated in early America, or in the early 20th century, or even today. However, keep in mind that there are blacks who are just as guilty of racism who are just as violent in their hearts as any white slaver or advocate of slavery was, or any white supremacist today is.
You have admitted...
Ain't no need to pause right there as I haven't said I've been oppressed, discriminated against, or elsewise.
...when I have. So it seems that black men can grow up without experiencing things that white people can. I was beaten by cops several times, once while being arrested, a couple times while in jail. They took me out to a cliff and threw me off. Somehow I managed to do a flip and catch hold about fifteen feet down, the guy looked down at me and said "We'll call you Spider-Man." Then they left.
White cops.
My crime? I was high. I had long hair.
My dad was also beaten (guess it's a gene). His crime? He was drunk. Maybe that account was a little more justifiable, lol, Dad was an Irishman in the truest sense. Liked to fight. They split his nose. Just some Irishmen you do not want to jab with your finger, lol.
The point: there are evil men in this world. A white cop shooting a black is just as likely to shoot a white. It's not really a race issue, it's a sin issue.
Our goal: lead men to Christ.
We have much control over how we impact this world. As Christians we are not only gifted but commanded to maintain self control.
That you justify your ministry (and it is ministry) and your doctrine (and it is doctrine) with Christianity is reprehensible. You will no more justify your ministry than Crusades or witch hunts or abortion clinic bombings can be justified by Scripture or Christian Doctrine.
Just think about it, and consider what it is that your doctrine restrains you from answering. It is not I that have tried to shut you up, your own doctrine does that for you.
God bless.