The evidence is self evident, does it say in 2 Pet 2:1 that they wre bought with the blood of Chrst ? Yes or No ?
The evidence is not self-evident. The verse says they were bought by the Lord. Peter wrote both 1 Peter and 2 Peter; in 1 Peter 1:19, Peter clearly proclaims that it is the blood of Christ. In 1 Peter 4:1, he writes that Christ suffered for us in the flesh, again referring to paying the price with His blood. Would you have us believe that the same Peter who wrote those things, somehow then changes his mind in his second letter and doesn't mean Christ's blood when he mentions those that were bought?
Let me help you out, since you obviously don't understand: The price was paid with Christ's blood, but that doesn't mean they will see heaven. These ones Peter speaks of, he goes on to further explain later in the same chapter. He refers to them as those that have heard the Word, know of the Lord's sacrifice and shed blood to pay for our sins, but stay with or return to their ways; and therefore, like a dog returning to its vomit, have no place.
I rebuke and exhort you, sir. Because you are unable to support such simple doctrinal points, you have no business writing the things you do on this board. You have no business attempting to try to teach others, when you plainly cannot understand yourself. Re-read 1 Peter 3:15 and understand: If you're going to attempt to teach others, always be ready with an answer. Because you are not Christ, because you're a fallible human being just like the rest of us, you *MUST* answer the questions put to you, and stop resorting to the unlearned "review my points," especially when those points are being reviewed with you. Otherwise, you are in grave danger of leading others astray - and that, my friend, is *exactly* the kind of people Peter talks about in 2 Peter 2.