I was responding to his accusation of ME blaming God, when I was simply speaking of the implications of HIS system.No Calvinist believes this, at least none I am familiar with. Don't blame Calvinism because of your ignorance of the system.
In Calvinism God ordained/decreed/decided to make all of mankind totally depraved from birth as a result of Adam's sin, thus making them unable to respond to HIS own genuine appeal to be reconciled. So, in Calvinism's worldview, God has ordained for all men to become His enemies and he has ordained for all men to not be able to respond to His appeal to be reconciled. Those are just the facts. If you all want to call that "blaming God," then that is your business...but its the FACTs of YOUR belief system.
In fact, I think you all know that, which is why you quote Romans 9:20-22 in defense of what you believe.