The church met and assembled and worshipped on Sunday, the Lord's day, correct?
Is there some text in the Bible that says the NT Christians
met every Sabbath to hear Gospel preaching - BOTH Jews AND Gentiles? ---
Yes Acts 18:4.
Is there some Bible text that says that the "
seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD"" --
yes - Exodus 20:8-11.
Is there some Bible text that says that the SABBATH is the "
Holy Day of the Lord"?
YES Isaiah 58:13
Is there some Bible text that says that for ALL eternity AFTER the cross in the NEW Earth ALL MANKIND will come before God "
from Sabbath to Sabbath to worship" ??
yes Isaiah 66:23
IS there some Bible NT text that says "
There REMAINS therefore a Sabbath rest for the people of God" --
YES Hebrews 4:9
Is there some Bible text that says that "week day 1 is the Sabbath"? -- no!
Is there some Bible text that says that "week day 1 is the LORD's Day"? -- No!
Is there some Bible text in the NT that says the NT Christians
met every week-day-1 to hear Gospel preaching? No.
Is there some Bible text that says that the "
week-day-1 is the Sabbath OR the Lord's Day" -- No.
Is there some Bible text that says that "Week day 1 is the
Holy Day of the Lord"? No
Is there some Bible text that says that for ALL eternity AFTER the cross in the NEW Earth ALL MANKIND will come before God "
from week-day-1 to week-day-1 to worship" ?? no
IS there some Bible NT text that says "
There REMAINS therefore week-day-1 as the Lord's day rest for the people of God" -- No
Ok so then that's the Bible answer to the topic.
But what if you just want to "quote yourself" ? What if the Bible answer is not satisfactory for you?
Wouldn't it be much easier just to "pontificate some option" as your own sorta-bible?
The Sabbath day was never changed, as that was for Israel, while God gave sunday,

rd's day, to the church!
Now see? You didn't need even one text for that sort of solution. Much easier!!