Then why does the Cal say that only the "chosen" are saved? If there are the "chosen" then there must be the "unchosen" also.
If God loves everyone, then why would He create some to save and some to damn?
Why does He love and save you and not me?
As stated before, the bible uses the Predestined/Election/Chosen language. We have to figure out what to do with it.
The difference could be thought of like this. God is a Father, he has rebellious children.
-Under Calvinism: All are rebellious to the point that none will turn and accept forgiveness unless caused to by God. So God chooses some and causes them to be born again. NOT ALL ARE SAVED.
-Under Non-cal: All are rebellious, but some, when offered free forgiveness, turn and accept it. NOT ALL ARE SAVED.
Under either belief, God has the power to save all, but does not. For cals, it is because he does not choose to turn everyone from their rebellious ways. For non-cals, it is because he values thier free choice more than he values their salvation.
I guess this is one problem I see with the non-cal position. It has determined that free choice is the highest value in the universe; which goes against the way many parents interact with their own kids. If my son is running away from me toward certain death in a busy road...and refuses to stop when I plead with him to "repent" (turn around). I'm not going to sit back and "respect his free will". I'm going to go get him and forcibly stop him from destroying himself. That is what Cals believe God does for his elect. Why he does not do it for everyone is one of the great mysteries...and admittedly a point of questioning for Cals.