Even with the more functionally-equivalent NLTse you can do word studies and comparisons etc.
I can't recall any book on hermeneutics that argues this. I'm not a "literal version only" type, but it is a universally accepted truism that more literal versions are preferred for word studies.
It is more dynamic than some other versions which lends to its greater accuracy
can lead to greater accuracy, but it doesn't always do so, just as literal does not by virtue lend itself to greater accuracy. Regardless of the methodology, it's what you do with it that counts.
The NASB and AV do not employ a word-for-word method of translation. That is a myth.
The NASB in particular is the most word-for-word out there. No myth. It would be more accurate to say that the NASB/KJV is not always word-for-word, just as the NIV/TNIV/NLT are not always DE but employ word-for-word at times.
There has been remarkably little momentum from Zondervan in pushing the TNIV. There has been too little support. TNIV fans such as myself have been disappointed at its weak support. New commentaries, doctrinal studies etc. have, for the most part continued to use the NIV as a base translation. The TNIV has been virtually abandoned.
I've had this discussion with folks at Zondervan before. They have a tightrope to walk. The TNIV has certainly not been abandoned. However, they use what GM used - market saturation. You can find the NIV and TNIV in almost any form you want. The NIV is still way too popular to abandon. I see quite a bit of ads for the TNIV around. I just don't subscribe to your assertion.
The PR campaigns behind the NLTse and ESV have been fully engaged
Okay, friend, now I know you're pulling our leg. The NLT definitely has good support. With the exception of the ESV study Bible, however, the ESV has received very poor marketing. I've had even more discussions about this with folks from Crossway and sat in on some meetings where vocal frustration has been aired and explained regarding the poor support Crossway has given the ESV. The flap over bindings, the "which way do we go, George" mentality in the marketing dept there, the revision fiascos....let's just say that there are those on the translation committee and advisory board who are furious with Crossway, not to mention that received by others who are supporters. At one meeting, someone asked why the ESV marketing was outsourced to Kirkbride :laugh: