I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:
Deuteronomy 30:15-20
Now David please don't come back and say God doesn't give men a choice. You can't get it any more clear. Choose life or death! Yes that's a verse in the OT but doesn't matter.
Rockson, who is this passage above speaking to, in Deuteronomy?
" These [are] the words of the covenant, which the Lord commanded Moses to make with the children of Israel in the land of Moab, beside the covenant which he made with them in Horeb." ( Deuteronomy 29:1 )
I see it as Israel, and Israel alone.
A nation that
God made a covenant with, under the Law.
A nation that was responsible to follow that which they promised to do ( Exodus 19:8, Exodus 24:3-7 ).
A nation that went back on their promises more times than I can count, just in
my reading of God's word.
He is speaking to them, not to all of mankind.
That is what I see when I read the entire book of Deuteronomy in context.
To me, one hasn't far back to go in the chapters, to establish who God is speaking to, and it matters quite a bit how the verses are used.
With that said, do you know of a passage in God's word that speaks this way to
all of mankind, instead of being aimed at the 12 tribes of Israel, whom God used His prophets to speak through?
It's the universal principal. Jesus said in the gospels to those resisting him, "You will not come to me to have life!" Jn 5:40 They choose death in fact these very resistors were the physical seed to whom this covenant still applied.
I don't see a universal principle of God offering a choice to all men when I read Scripture, except in Acts of the Apostles 17:22-31.
There, I see one thing "offered":
God commanding men to repent.
And what are we Gentiles? Not the seed of Abraham by faith?
Yes, I see Scripture clearly stating that the Gentile believers are the spiritual seed of Abraham by faith, as well as believing Jews.
All still MUST choose life or death every human being. The very gospel we hold forth is called the word of life! Phil 2:16-18
Regrettably, that seems to be your conclusion from Scripture, but not mine.
I wish it were that simple...I really do.
I don't sit on this side of the fence because it is the most desirable place to be...I'm here because I genuinely see these things in Scripture.
If salvation were up to me, I would make it
exactly the way you describe.

Available to all, with the determining factor left up to men to choose.
But God's taking of a people out of the nations ( Acts of the Apostles 15:14 ) is not up to me...it's up to Him.
What He says about it, in great detail, is both fascinating to me and it also sobers me greatly.
His word tells me that men have
already made their choice in their hearts, and they've given Him the thumbs down.
Nobody would be saved if He didn't do it, and He chooses not to do it for everyone...only a seed.
A seed that numbers, most probably, in the
millions ( Revelation 7:9 ).
This is my final reply to you in this thread.
May God bless you in your studies and in your personal life.