Yes, they CAN. Otherwise, why have Bibles, churches & preachers if everyone's "fate" is already decided unalterably before they're born?
** I'd like to state in advance, that I'm "editorializing" in many parts of this**
There's only two basic teachings attached to the biblical doctrine of salvation within what is known as "visible Christianity" today:
Man decides his own fate,
God decides man's fate.
That's what I see this section on "Calvinism" versus "Arminianism" literally
filled with, day by day.
Stepping back and taking a long, hard look at the world and its ways, I see that "man deciding his own fate" ( or at least having a hand in it that satisfies some semblance of him having control over things ) is
exactly what the average
unbeliever loves to think
really happens...that their actions somehow determine the outcome of what they do or where they go...
both in this life and the next.
I'll tell you what...
Study many forms of man-made philosophy, and I dare say you'll find a common thread.
Study many forms of mythology or other man-made religions, and I dare say you'll find something very similar.
"Me, me, me and mine".
"What do I get for doing this?"
"What's in this for me?"
"Why isn't God limited to my box?" <--- Many people seem to think "Calvinists" limit God to their own box, even though, when examined closely, they can provide detailed answers from Scripture as to why God does some things, and admit that the things not revealed in Scripture He does because He wills them, and they are far above their ability to comprehend the reasons why.
"Why can't I approach God the way that I want to?" <---- Read about Nadab and Abihu ( Leviticus 10:1-3 )
I think that the fact that He
limits man coming to Him
through Christ alone should open up your thinking about how "unreasonable" He is about who He saves and who He doesn't.
Speaking of which:
I could fill pages with examples of different man-made religions that propose this very thing ( "me and my selfish desires" ), because I clearly see that this is what is at the heart of everything those who are
not Christians do and focus on...
To me, this is the
essence of false religion...what is at its "heart".
The concept that a person can "win the lottery" if he or she can only "pick the right numbers", or "open the combination lock" or "land the big one", in each and every form of this, ( again, I could fill pages with observations about the differing systems of thought, both outside of what is known as "Christianity" and inside it ), there is a common thread:
Man's will taking center stage... with God either being subjected to it, or at least allowing man some part to play.
Getting things like doctrine, beliefs, and performance all within "acceptable parameters", is something I run into almost every day in my travels ( even in Baptist circles, I'm sorry to say )...and it pains me to see that the world's influences,
especially its thinking about
how salvation works or should work, have taken root and flourished in the churches over the past 200 or more years.
With the above stated, and to answer your quote:
According to the "Calvinist", the reason why we have Bibles as believers, is primarily to serve as our education in the ways of God ( 2 Timothy 2:15 ).
He has much to share with His children, and plumbing the depths of it can take decades for the believer.
Churches ( gatherings of true believers under one roof, not the "temples" one sees on every street corner ), teachers and preachers are for this reason:
Ephesians 4:11-16.
God has a purpose in everything.
Whether or not we agree with what He does is ultimately of no consequence...we as His children should be grateful that we
are His children.
The alternative is to be consigned to outer darkness with the unsaved.
If you believe any of the Scriptures literally, then I have to wonder what is stopping you from believing this:
" Blessed [is the man whom] thou choosest, and causest to approach [unto thee, that] he may dwell in thy courts: we shall be satisfied with the goodness of thy house, [even] of thy holy temple.
5 [By] terrible things in righteousness wilt thou answer us, O God of our salvation; [who art] the confidence of all the ends of the earth, and of them that are afar off [upon] the sea:" ( Psalms 65:4-5 )
God bless you, Roby.