He heard of a need ..... he came running to sell his goods .... he whipped up the crowds into a frenzy .... he made tons of money selling his vile form of racial medicine .... and now we have two innocent young NYPD officers ambushed while they sat in their car, guarding the community from gang activity!
In my opinion, the Reverend Al Sharpton should be held responsible for this tragedy today! Even so, Mayor Bill de Blasio owns a portion of the responsibility for his failure to support the men and women who put their lives the line each day to keep NYC and surrounding cities safe from terrorism, crime, drugs, vandalism, murder, rape, burglary, robbery, sex crimes, gang activities, and domestic disputes, to name just few of the many types of calls these men and women face daily for the average New Yorker's well being!
Then maybe a smaller percentage of the blame for this dastardly crime should be laid on the steps of the hearts of all those who marched through New York street's shouting, "What do we want? DEAD COPS!!! - When do we want it? NOW!!!"
Still, when it's all said and done, the majority of the blame goes to Shallow Al's Traveling Snake Oil Show. A show he brought to Hollywood this past week to whip up more energy and anger for a cause that is nothing more than a fringe thing.
Here are statistics that show numbers of killings of blacks for the last ten or so years. While there check out the cops killed in the line of duty stats. It will surprise you! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_killings_by_law_enforcement_officers_in_the_United_States,_2014
Well, the protesters got what they wanted, but does this make things sit better now with all of you? Does it dampen the anger and call for revenge? Does it avenge Mr. Garner's death? Will it absolve Garner and Brown for their part in a crime, no matter how serious the crime may have been? It was still a crime? Finally, does the death of two young cops absolve these two men from their arrogant, aggressive, authority defying attempts to avoid arrest?
I think not!