There are good, solid posts on both sides of this question about Rick Warren. Except for one poster, over the years, I have had good exchanges with members on both sides of this question, and respect all the posts. He is one of those cases where feelings can change as one reads another post or article, or views a clip.
Sometimes in situations like this, I ask myself, regardless of technique, what has my life accomplished for the Lord compared to Rick Warren's. I think the answer to that is obvious. Unless he is doing something obviously anti-Biblical or teaching heresy, beyond method or technique, what right to I have to criticize someone who has done more for the Lord than if I lived 100 more years? That is not to say I like the way he has done everything or his marketing ideas, but this is a valid question to ask one's self.
Maybe a bad comparison, but there have been several threads, mostly in the past, about Billy Graham and something he said or ran his crusades. I asked myself the same question when these threads came up. The number of people I have told the Gospel to that had any results I saw would probably have lasted about two minutes of one of his crusades.
This is a totally different catagory than people like Robert Tilton, Jimmy Swggart, PTL Club, Benny Hinn, Oral Roberts, 700 Club, The World Tomorrow, etc, who are nothing but money changing clowns.