My dad was born in '33, and he remembered signs advising all black people to be out of town by sundown. This is in the mountains of western Maryland, 30s or 40s, so these things weren't restricted to dixieland.I was talkling about NC in general, which I have always loved. In my perspective yes, unfortunately. I believe Trump has re-ignited racism in America.
I told a friend of mine at church I thought America is now more divided than it ever has been in my life. That includes early memories of the racial problems in the 50's and early 60's as well as the anti-war demonstrations in the 60's and early 70's. He told me his father said he disagreed because "we haven't started hanging anyone yet." His father actually was present at hanmgings of blacks in the 50's.
Now I look at my own references. The family reunion has been happily racially integrated since a few years before I was born. I go to work and my supervisor and all 4 of my employees are black, and we manage to work happily together.
I won't argue that things couldn't be better, and I'm sure we can play the blame game all day with no resolution. But saying that we are more divided now than in the 50s seems pretty hyperbolic to me.