Yes. I understand your curiosity, your question, and your defensiveness. I also understand your previous response.
Citing Greek lexicon definitions provided by Biblical scholars limits one to merely reading word definitions which have been put together in such a way as to be convenient support for today's churchy sounding aphorisms, otherwise known as "Preacherese." They wonderfully and coherently dove tail with today's Western Christendom.
Jesus never spoke of "running a race." Jesus was not in a race of any kind. "Be still, and know I am God." "He that waits on the Lord shall rise up with wings."
Jesus did not walk in The Light for the sake of having any sort of His sin brought to the forefront and confessed. If one is to walk in The Light "as He is in the light" their doing so will have nothing to do with remedial confession you and others try to make the text speak of. Jesus never taught that repentance, or "changing one's thinking," is a process conducted by one "trying their best," where Jesus supposedly "picks us up when we fail and dusts us off." That concept is a clear example of modern Western Christendom nonsense, not found in Scripture. Jesus told The Woman Caught In Adultery, "Go, and sin no more."
Yes, thank you for graciously being free of snide remarks. Now, are you able to describe how you know when you are in fact walking in The Light? Simply declaring you and others you personally know "am/are" walking in The Light is not much of a witness by itself. Hint: Reference an answer to Matthew 5:16, James 1:26, and 1 Corinthians 4:20.