A member was banned for calling me & other Baptists "Jezebel". now, Bible-readers know she was the wife of Ahab, Israel's most-evil king ever, but here's a little more skinny about her.
She was the daughter of Ithobaal 1, king of Tyre, & given in marriage to Ahab to cement the friendship between Tyre & Israel. Her name literally means "Where is the prince or lord?" & also "consort of Baal". We know she was thoroughly evil, plotting the murder of Naboth so Ahab could have his land, among other things, such as promoting the worship of Baal by Israel. Today, her name is used as a term for "a very evil woman" & is considered in English to be one of the worst bad names a woman can be called, even worse than "harlot" & like terms. I suspect that's why that member was banned. (I am male, of course !) Also, Athaliah, an equally-evil woman, was the daughter of Jezebel & Ahab.
This begs the question, "Who is Baal?" Baal, also called "Bel, Bal, & Phoenician B'l, was any one of several gods worshipped by the Sumerians, Phoenicians, Akkadians, ("Sidonian" in Scripture was a term for Phoenicians in general.) Later, some Assyrians, Chaldeans, & Egyptians called one of their gods "Bel". Baal is generally considered to be a chief god in that old pantheon worshipped by those people. So Baal is not the name of any one specific false god.
"Baal" also meant "owner, boss, or lord" in general when applied to people. And Baal & Ba'l mean "husband" in modern Hebrew & modern Arabic respectively.
She was the daughter of Ithobaal 1, king of Tyre, & given in marriage to Ahab to cement the friendship between Tyre & Israel. Her name literally means "Where is the prince or lord?" & also "consort of Baal". We know she was thoroughly evil, plotting the murder of Naboth so Ahab could have his land, among other things, such as promoting the worship of Baal by Israel. Today, her name is used as a term for "a very evil woman" & is considered in English to be one of the worst bad names a woman can be called, even worse than "harlot" & like terms. I suspect that's why that member was banned. (I am male, of course !) Also, Athaliah, an equally-evil woman, was the daughter of Jezebel & Ahab.
This begs the question, "Who is Baal?" Baal, also called "Bel, Bal, & Phoenician B'l, was any one of several gods worshipped by the Sumerians, Phoenicians, Akkadians, ("Sidonian" in Scripture was a term for Phoenicians in general.) Later, some Assyrians, Chaldeans, & Egyptians called one of their gods "Bel". Baal is generally considered to be a chief god in that old pantheon worshipped by those people. So Baal is not the name of any one specific false god.
"Baal" also meant "owner, boss, or lord" in general when applied to people. And Baal & Ba'l mean "husband" in modern Hebrew & modern Arabic respectively.
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