Are you kidding me? Can you prove this charge? Have you ever read a biography of Moody? I've read several, and no one ever accused Moody of being an evangelist to get the money. Billy Sunday was accused that way (maybe truly), and Billy Graham outlived some of these charges from early in his ministry (the Atlanta campaign), but never D. L. Moody.
DL Moody - Because of the book sales....
1. Ephesus - Began with the book of Acts
2. Smyrna - Began with Nero. Foxes lists the persecutions as ten
3. Pergamos - Began when Constantine liberated the Roman Empire
4. Thyatira - Began with Charlemange - The Roman Catholic Church
5. Sardis - Began with Martin Luther
6. Philadelphia - Began with the ana-Baptists - heavily persecuted during the 16th century and into the 17th by both Magisterial Protestants and Roman Catholics. John Bunyan is also Philadelphian and spent a good bit of his life in prison due to his resistance to the state run church.
7. Laodicea - I find traces of this church as early as DL Moody in the 1800's, Who angered the English with rumors of profits made from hymn book sales. DL Moody also was the first in my readings of history to buy a mansion with ministry proceeds.
Now each church had its issues and virtues. And I am not promoting one over the other. When it is all said and done one will be able to look back and see what arose from the times...
1. Apostolic church - "Left their first Love" - Paul
2. Martyred church - Normally Orthodox in faith - Not a lot of cohesiveness here.
3. Orthodox church - Orthodox - A Pygros is a tower - Needed in the dark ages. A barbaric time.
4. Catholic church - The spirit of Jezebel is to control and to dominate
5. Protestant church - A sardius is a gem - Ellegant yet hard. Had a name but little in spirituality.
6. Revived church - The great awakening.
7. Materialistic church - Rich and increased with goods and have need of nothing?
If it were not for dispensationalism we would all be forced to worship in some state approved church!