I have only one comment, and a question:
I'm not sure there's a "single" greatest danger; I think both you and Jon make excellent points on this.
Where do you stand on "followership"?
First, I think leadership being the primary issue is something that we can track throughout Redemptive History, and see it as a specific element, not only in Israel's history, but in the future Tribulation as well. Because God's Leadership is rejected, those in leadership create serious problems for those who are sincere in desiring to obey the will of God. But, if the leadership is teaching Doctrine and Practice that is going to be accepted (primarily in faith, like children accept the teachings of their parents (when they are very young, lol)) by those in the congregation, which does not encourage Doctrine and Practice that resembles that instructed by the Word of God, we can not be surprised when there is no resemblance. A good example might be leadership which creates "followers" who are more liberal in their views, such as not only accepting homosexuality...but endorsing it. We can't fault , exclusively, those who in good faith believe that God has placed them under genuine leadership that is teaching the Will of God, for embracing those doctrines and practices.
As far as "followship," and I assume that is what you meant rather than fellowship, that is also, in my view, a Basic Principle we see throughout Redemptive History There is a responsibility of new converts to be in submission to the leadership which, we assume, probably led them to Christ to begin with (and this is just the norm, not a concrete principle (that many are saved by a specific ministry and then attend that ministry)). So I think there is a demand for respect to those who are in authority over us, because God has made it clear there is an established authority. We see this in the family, in that the man is to be the spiritual head of the household, and that he, not the wife, will bear the burden of responsibility, and be judged accordingly. We see it in the Church. So a follower of Christ has also a responsibility to follow the instruction given, and while some will be under leadership that is grievously erroneous, we trust God will raise them as His children and deal with the conditions one might be saved in. So "follow-ship" does not nullify God's Sovereignty, or the responsibility of every believer to seek to know better the God Who took the time to supply revelation of Himself and His will, but, we do not expect babes in Christ to feed themselves, any more than we expect infants to run down to the supermarket to get themselves some Infamil.
All of us have responsibilities, to God first and then to each other. Leadership is a grave responsibility that bears greater judgment, for we are all going to be judged according to the understanding we have of God's Word, and what we do with it. I think it is natural for most, when they are new converts, to have a submissive spirit in regards to leadership, and even to fellow believers who have been saved longer. When I was first saved and joined a fellowship, I felt like the scum of the earth amidst a great congregation of Moses'. But, I learned that we are all in the same boat, or perhaps better...Ark, lol.
If you meant to say fellowship, then I would say fellowship is important to our growth, as well as cultivating a reasonable amount of responsibility for our brothers and sisters. We should have a place where we can meet with like-minded believers and worship God. But, the fellowship we have still holds a first obligation to God, and as we grow, I think many of us are going to be compelled to seek out a fellowship where we are more "like-minded," lol. The trap is in thinking we are ever going to find the fellowship that agrees with our own views so completely we don't have...
...anything to grumble about.
God bless.