The way our present electoral system is set up, presidential elections are binary. You either vote for the Democrat or you vote for the Republican. Anything else (IE a 3rd party "also ran") is an abdication of your duty to vote. It is a form of abstinence.
There are, unfortunately, a few who claim the Name of Christ who will abstain from the binary process, most often out of a sense of profound selfishness. "If I can't have it all my own way I am going to take my toys and go home."
And if enough self-centered Christians do that, our way of life, Liberty under Law, will be so damaged it may take two or three generations to repair it, if it is able to be repaired.
US Supreme Court Justices are appointed for life. If Hillary is elected she will appoint Justices who are radical left wing globalists, and they will vote their radical globalist views in every case before them. The US Constitution will be subjugated to international treaty and UN intervention in US affairs.
The 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th amendments will be gutted by a left wing activist court.
Freedom of speech will be subordinated to "political correctness" and telling the truth will be labeled "hate speech."
Freedom of bearing arms for the protection of self and others will be infringed.
The freedom from unreasonable search and seizure will be subordinated to "government need."
Government police powers will be greatly expanded in spite of the 5th amendment.
A speedy and public trial will be a thing of the past.
Federal courts will re-examine cases adjudicated in State courts if the federal government does not like the decision.
Excessive fines for violating the "political correctness" laws will be commonplace.
Federal law will be construed to deny or disparage rights supposedly retained by the people.
And States Rights will be a thing of the past.
I can't emphasize how important this election cycle is. We are at a fork in the road of life. To the left lies a Socialist Dictatorship of the political elite in Washington. To the right lies a return to the principles of a Constitutional Republic on which this country was founded.
The choice is yours. Think of the country and government you will be leaving to your children and grandchildren. Do you want them to live in freedom and prosperity, or do you want them to fight, and bleed, and probably die in the Second American Revolution?
Yes. It's that serious.