Trump lost the debate and will not win the next unless he learns a basic rule that every good storyteller knows and the same rule that every freshman writing class participant is told, That rules is Show don't tell.
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Christians need to support Trump.
Not in a pigs eye..
Post-debate poll: Hillary Clinton takes round one
CNN - 3 hours ago
Poll: Clinton wins first debate ... Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton prepare to debate .
Is that what the Bible says?
1 Cor 5:11 But now I am writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who claims to be a brother but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or slanderer, a drunkard or swindler. Do not even eat with such people.
We must be in Bizarro world. If THAT was a Trump win, Americans are really pathetically stupid and truly deserve him getting into office and starting a nuclear war that melts the skin off our bodies.
It's no wonder why God doesn't just explode that supervolcano underneath Yellowstone and just rid the planet of human life rather than allow us to continue to spit in His face while excusing it as politics.[emoji57]
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Which applies to both candidates.
And this is why we have such terrible candidates to pick from, and why the GOP doesn't need to pander to Evangelicals anymore. They will vote for anyone with an R after the name.Christians need to support Trump.
Wouldn't that apply to all politicians? All of them are afflicted with at least one of those maladies.
Which applies to both candidates.
It is actually not true of all politicians but it is of many and I will no longer vote for any that I know of.
No, they don't. Christians need to read 1 Peter 1:14-19 and take that to heart. Christians need to stop playing politics with their faith.Christians need to support Trump.
Not in a pigs eye..
Post-debate poll: Hillary Clinton takes round one
CNN - 3 hours ago
Poll: Clinton wins first debate ... Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton prepare to debate .
AMEN!No, they don't. Christians need to read 1 Peter 1:14-19 and take that to heart. Christians need to stop playing politics with their faith.
Christians need to obey Christ and to align themselves with that which is aligned with Him. If the Commission is still the same and it is, there is nothing in supporting a Donald Trump Presidency that aids in the fulfillment of that Great Commission. But there's PLENTY that would serve as a stumbling block.
Odd how Christians on one side say they have prayed and God has told them to vote for Trump. And Christians on the other side say they have prayed and God has told them to vote for Clinton.
But God says HE isn't the author of confusion.
So who could possibly be offering up this wonderful realm of politics in which neither candidate honors Christ as a divider and distraction for the Body to not focus on its Commission?
You claim to be an evangelist and a supporter of Trump at the same time. Yet you sadly don't see how incongruent the two are unless you're only evangelizing to old, white supremacists who want to "make America White again".
So you are voting for Clinton?
Hillary approves of, even applauds, the violent murder of 135,000 babies every day. So, according to you, Hillary should be summarily rejected by all Christians who believe the bible.Is that what the Bible says?
1 Cor 5:11 But now I am writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who claims to be a brother but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or slanderer, a drunkard or swindler. Do not even eat with such people.
Hillary approves of, even applauds, the violent murder of 135,000 babies every day. So, according to you, Hillary should be summarily rejected by all Christians who believe the bible.
..........those of us in the #NeverTrump #NeverClinton camp have to deal with the sad fact that one of those 2 will be president and America loses.