Please don't spread doubt that Moses wrote his books. That's old hat. Brilliant conservative scholar O. T. Allis completely proved that Moses wrote the "Five Books of Moses" with his landmark 1943 treatise
The Five Books of Moses. Only liberals doubt it nowadays.
Again, the idea that Paul did not write the Epistle to the Ephesians is essentially a liberal idea (no offense--unless you're a liberal
). Conservative scholars do not hold to the idea. "The letter to the Ephesians was generally regarded as the work of the apostle Paul until the rise of rationalistic criticism at the turn of the eighteenth century" ("Ephesians," by A. Skevington Wood in
The Expositor's Bible Commentary, Vol. 11, p. 3).
I have a liberal translation of the NT in Japanese which divides the epistles of Paul into "Epistles of Paul" and "Ostensibly Epistles of Paul." I find that to be ridiculous.
As for the words "in Ephesus" in 1:1 of that book, any proof that the phrase was not there is ephemeral. The mss that don't have it are few and untrustworthy. Even UBS 4 includes it, though in brackets.