lared that none, nmo
God declared to us that none, no not one, are righteous in his sight, ALL our good works like filthy rags to Him...
I agree, there are hundreds, if not thousands of verses that say no man does good. That is not the same thing as saying he is unable to do good. I have never jumped off a tall building, but I am quite able to do so.
NONE have ever been able to keep the law as God meant it to be kept in order to merit eternal life, save for Adam and Jesus...
The scriptures do not say men are not able to keep the law, only that no man has ever kept the law. Two altogether different subjects you seem unable to discern.
Adam fell, and we all share in His sinning, so NONE after him could/would ever kept it..
No we don't, God said the son shall not bear the iniquity of his father. (Eze 18:20) That is false doctrine started by the RCC and especially Augustine.
Jesus as God incarnate did keep the law, as ONLY he was qualified and able to , by being God in human flesh!
Jesus kept the law as a man would, by faith in God and obedience to the law.
There is not ANY passage in the entire bible that supports sinners can keep the law fully, or that apart from the Cross they have ANY hope to do such!
Only if you believe God is completely unreasonable and punishes men for eternity because he demands they do something they are unable to do.
That would be like executing a blind man because he cannot see. Nice belief you have there.