I couldn't let this question slide with so many groups and solo artists flooding the airways and Christian networks. I am going to do this question a wee bit different in that I like to know who your favorite solo artist is, and your favorite group. And if you have more than one group or one artist, byt all means list them too, but please place them in order or rank of your preference. Let's keep the list of artists' or groups to a maximum of three in each.
Have fun. I look forward to reading your lists, and hopefully many of us will discover names of artists and groups we have not heard of, and take the time to get to know their genre and ability when t comes to praising our Father and His awesome Son!
Have fun. I look forward to reading your lists, and hopefully many of us will discover names of artists and groups we have not heard of, and take the time to get to know their genre and ability when t comes to praising our Father and His awesome Son!