In a general sense, one is either a Calvinist or an Arminian. But, and it's a big but, Baptists are different. Historically, a Baptist distinctive has been the doctrine of the security of the believer. Since, by definition, Arminians reject that doctrine (it's what makes them Arminian), the overwhelming majority of Baptists cannot be labeled as Arminian.
Think that this is where the confusion comes in though!
IF one holds to Dog. than would support unconditional eternal Security for the believer, as we would see it as being due to the fact that God elected and saved us by His Will and by ireesistable Grace, hence cannot lose it...
IF one to the concept that God either saves us through the Gospel ONLY, no other application of grace required, or by "commin Grace" given to all, than can lose it IF we turn aside form the Lord...
The exceptions, of course, are groups like the Free-Will Baptists and General Baptists, who are Arminian, since they do not believe in the security of the believer. Free-Will Baptists believe in free will. By extension, they hold that if one can will to exercise saving faith, they can will to no longer exercise it, and thus lose their salvation.
Think that those groups are actually being consistent with their own Theology!
General Baptists got that name because they hold to a general atonement; that is,Christ died for every one without exception. They, too, believe one may fall from grace.
I can hear some of you saying, Whoa! I believe in free will and I hold to eternal security. Others will say, hold on, I'm a Southern Baptist (or IFB) and I hold to a general atonement and free will, but I deny that one can lose his salvation.
That's because most Baptists are not consistent, as the FWBs and General Baptists are. They(most Baptists) believe one freely wills to trust Christ for salvation,but cannot freely will to no longer believe. FWBs hold that if you have the will to believe, you have the will to un-believe. The FWBs also believe one may sin away his salvation, but the rest of us disagree. So we invented backsliding.
Think it because many do not logically think it through on this doctrine...
IF we are saved by God via Election way cals see it, would by definition would have eternal security, if its a different model of Sotierology, would hvae to include the provision that there at least is a "chance" omne can forfeit/lose salvation by act of there 'Free will"..
As one explained to me, God can and does hold the securly, but he also grnts the free Will to chose to turn aside if they will!
So, since most Baptists are definitely not Arminian, we need a name to distinguish non-Calvinists from the Calvinists. I have used Non-Cal for some time. I think it's better than Not-Cal or Un-Cal.
think Free will/grace would be a decent 'label", as one would still uphold the Cross and the Gospel, just that we have more of a part in our salvation..
Matt, in this instance, Christian tells us very little. It doesn't tell if you believe in salvation by grace or works; it doesn't tell us if you believe in baptismal regeneration, or sacramental ordinances--or not. That kind of thing. So, I wouldn't run from Non-Cal. It tells us a lot that Christian doesn't.