Loopie, why did you say I fail to see that any corporate group is made up of individuals? Did you not read where I specifically addresses this well know canard? A target group is made of of characteristics, not of individuals, for example a film targeted for teens would not be targeted for specific individual teens.
So, when God decreed that Christ would die, he simply decreed that he would die for ‘men in general’? This does not at all match up with what Paul says in Romans concerning the fact that God will have mercy on whom he will have mercy. God himself decreed that he would love Jacob and hate Esau (before any of them had done anything). What is your answer for that? Do you believe that God actually looked down the tunnel of time, saw what Esau would do, and then based his own eternal decree on the information that he had ‘gained’ from looking forward in time?
Consider also the following scripture:
Revelation 17:8 (NASB)
8 "The beast that you saw was, and is not, and is about to come up out of the abyss and go to destruction. And those who dwell on the earth, whose name has not been written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, will wonder when they see the beast, that he was and is not and will come.
So when scripture describes believers as having their name written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, how does that not refer to individuals? This is where you analogy of films breaks down. Films aren’t made by omniscient, omnipotent, and eternal beings. The only way to make the ‘film’ analogy fit into God’s plan of salvation is to bring God down to the level of a filmmaker (someone who is not omniscient, omnipotent, and eternal).
Why are you asking questions rather than citing specific scripture? I have answered all these questions over and over.
I have not seen you answer these questions using scripture. But that’s just me I guess.
Lets see if you are any different from the rest of the Calvinists. Do you agree with me that a corporately elected group can be characterized by general traits and not be specific to individuals. If you deny this, there is nothing that I can say because in my opinion you are arguing from irrationality.
But when you speak of corporate election, are you speaking of election by an omnipotent, omniscient, eternal being, or of election by human means? Don’t get me wrong, the corporately elected group known as ‘Christ’s sheep’ does have certain traits (i.e. they love God and their neighbor). But they have also had their name written in the lamb’s book of life before the foundation of the world (which means that God KNEW them before they were even born, and had decreed that THEY WOULD be his).
Like saying when God hardens a heart, what this really means is he has not softened it. Words have meanings.
I agree that words have meanings, and I feel that you are deviating from scripture’s meaning.
Next you ask if God foresaw who would believe and elected them individually. I already addressed that the election before time was corporate. If all you want to do is knock now your own strawman arguments, why address them to me?
But you fail to address what Revelation shows concerning the NAMES in the lamb’s book of life. Let me ask you this: did God KNOW which humans would be members of this corporately elected group known as ‘believers’? When did God KNOW this? Did he learn it, or did he know it in eternity past? Was this knowledge based on what God foresaw would take place in the future, or on his own ETERNAL DECREE?
And lastly just for grins, you said names are written in the Lamb's book of life before the foundation of the world. This shows that you have not read Revelation 13:8 and 17:8 which indicates names are written from or since or after the foundation of the world. Therefore your argument proves individuals were not chosen before the foundation of the world. Now please agree with your own argument. If you evade, as I expect you will, there is nothing I can say.
I have already quoted Revelation 17:8. I will go ahead and quote Revelation 13:8:
Revelation 13:8 (NASB)
8 All who dwell on the earth will worship him, everyone whose name has not been written from the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who has been slain.
It seems to me in both these passages that believers are described as having their name written from the foundation of the world in the book of life. So how would you conclude that this means that names are written since or after the foundation of the world?
A fallen man, soil number 2, received the gospel with joy. Therefore he has some limited spiritual ability to understand the gospel and respond to be drawn by God with the lovingkindness of the gospel message. Therefore total spiritual inability is demonstrated false.
I know that you love to use the parable of the soils to argue against Calvinism, but I think you misinterpret the parable. First of all let me ask you this: Does a TRULY saved Christian bear fruit? Would you say that a truly saved person bears ‘good’ fruit? So which person in this parable bore any fruit or yield, at all? The fourth soil. There is nothing to suggest that soils 2 and 3 were truly believers.
Let me also ask you this: do you think EVERYONE that goes to church is a true believer? Is it even conceivable that a person who is still in rebellion against God would want to go to church? The reason I ask this is because it is clear that some unbelievers go to church, but are never truly saved. Are they doing this because they are gluttons for punishment? No. In fact, how many people are filled with JOY when they go to Joel Osteen’s church? Do you believe that ALL of them are true believers? So we see here that there are indeed false believers, false prophets, and false teachers amongst us. Some of them have received the word of God with joy, but it is never a lasting joy. It is a false joy, a false hope. The Lord makes it very clear that he will not LOSE any that have been given to him, that NONE will be plucked from his hand. If soils 2 and 3 were true believers, then obviously God’s will has been thwarted, and he has not kept his promise.
How would people believe they are saved and say Lord, Lord, if they had not heard the gospel, responded affirmatively to the gospel but their commitment was not from the heart and therefore God did not credit their faith as righteousness.
Obviously in Matthew 7:21 Christ says that not everyone who says ‘Lord, Lord’ will enter the kingdom of heaven. So there are plenty of people such as Joel Osteen who say ‘Lord, Lord’. Does this mean they have been effectually called by the gospel, drawn to the Father, and have been truly saved? No not at all. God certainly will not credit their faith as righteousness, because their faith is not true faith (that is a gift from God as we see in Ephesians). Consider what James teaches about faith. There is indeed such a false faith (for even the demons believe in one God, and shudder). But TRUE faith is accompanied by GOOD FRUIT, which is only present in the FOURTH SOIL.
Calvinists claim that all fallen men hate God all the time, never at any time seek God, and so forth and so on, yet these folks were seeking God. Your doctrine is unbiblical.
You have completely misunderstood what Calvinism teaches. Rebellion against God can manifest itself in many ways. We have our hardcore, militant atheists such as Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens. We have our ‘spiritual’ Buddhists and Hindus. We have both of our moderate and extremist Muslims. Are they all unbelievers? Yep. Are they all rebels against the Triune God of scripture? Yep. Are they all dead in their transgressions? Yep. So again, you misunderstand the doctrine of Total Depravity when you say that all fallen men must act and look exactly alike. That simply is not true, and has never been what Calvinism proclaimed.