"Morality" means "Good and Evil." "Good" means that which is beneficial to the fulfillment of a purpose. "Objective good" means that which is beneficial to the fulfillment of THE purpose for which a thing exists. A "purpose" is a type of desire or goal. We can locate a purpose for humanity in the desires of God,
I think I'm with you so far..
I don't think I'm with you here. (You don't have to bold everything...we'll still see it)OR we can locate a purpose for humanity in a universal human nature, and it's universal, bedrock desires.
.Among these are survival, long life, and long term holistic pleasure (happiness) for all human beings
An atheist can easily ground morality upon this....but, the question would arise, Why should the long term holistic pleasure of human beings be sought after?
The Universe (in an atheistic and unguided paradigm) is a rote set of purposeless and unguided incidences.So what have I misdefined here? You said this was problematic but I didn't see a reason why. You restated that an "ought" can't be derived from an "is",
There is no "purpose" in an atheistic framework.....
Thus, whatever drives or desires a human might have are mere rote facts of a purposeless and unguided Universe:
They are a state of affairs...nothing more:
They are an "is" they are not an "ought to be".
No.but my response here is that "ought", or objective purpose, is derived from universal desire.
That Universal desire, can be a mere result of unguided and un-purposed chance....that's just a statement about how people are.
There is no reason that even if all humans share that desire, that they ought to pursue it or even have it...
You've merely asserted that they DO have it.
Cock-roaches have (or at least exhibit) what might be called a desire...
Universal desires could be no more significant than the desires/drives of cock-roaches.Universal desires can be located in the desires of God, AND/OR the universal, bedrock desires of human nature.
Cock-roaches have a Universal drive/tendency to do what best serves their species.
I consider nothing that a roach does to be moral in nature.
You are smuggling God into this: (as I would)
I agree that without God, there are no objective moral facts.
I think you understand naturally that human desires are what they are because they are what God designed them to be.
No one is "ignoring" or even disputing that humans have what these desires/drives......The universal desires of human beings (life and happiness) cannot be ignored in the objective conception of the good,
What I am disputing is that while they exist, there is no moral truth behind them (given an atheistic framework)
Why should or ought humanity achieve their desires?
Cock-roaches have drives and desires too.
Given atheism....what is strictly "moral" about either creatures innate drive to realize it?
Thank you for your engagement brother!