So you hold to soft determinism / compatibilism but that still does not help you as you still have God being the one that determines all things. So you see God as indirectly determining all things, OK then how does that work? Does that mean that man has the ability to make a free will choice? Does that allow man to chose to follow Christ Jesus?
But you will argue that God does not directly determine what man does so that lets Him of the hook. Not so fast there. Are you saying that the decrees of God are really just suggestions?
What is compatibilism? The theory of compatibilism is that God’s predetermination of all events that happen in history is compatible — consistent, suitable, appropriate, adaptable, cooperative — with so-called “voluntary” choice. In other words, our choices are not coerced, that is, we do not choose against our desires, and yet we never make choices or decisions contrary to “what God determines will always come to pass (Eph_1:11).” So, God decrees what we will choose, and we will desire the object of our so-called choice. {John Hendryx
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John Hendryx makes the case, the Calvinist God is the actual problem, though He is presented as the solution to the problems that He Himself decreed from eternity past, and brings into reality.
Your Calvinist compatibilism renders God, then, culpable for decreeing all the sin, wickedness, and evil performed among mortals. Compatibilistic Calvinism is determinism, and the theory is a deceptively, deterministic farce: compatibilism is determinism. In a compatibilistic context, God has still decreed whatever occurs in reality; the notion that a person desires to do what he or she does is irrelevant to the fact that, again, in a compatibilistic system, what the person accomplishes (namely, evil) was decreed by God and brought to pass by His irresistible will. Moreover, even the desire of the individual to the enactment of the evil was decreed by God and brought to pass by His irresistible will. In Calvinism, whether compatibilism or hard determinism, God is the problem of evil.