No. That is history. Read up on it.No, that is also history. Read the Declaration and see for yourself.Nope. More history. Look it up.
I wasn't disputing your history, that was correct. And anyone who's seen National Treasure 2 knows this.
It's also irrelevant to the discussion.
And thus your conclusions are incorrect.
I'm not arguing that the right to self determination is somehow wrong.
Clearly this is an inalienable right.
My point, and I suspect that behind your barricade of irrelevance, you know that while the right to determine one's own path should not be determined by government, the fact is that humans can accomplish very little alone.
This is true from the macro scale: the United States ended slavery, defeated Nazi Germany, the Empire of Japan, the USSR and is in the process of defeating radical Islam. And, my personal favorite, landed Americans on the Moon!
Micro-scale: ever been a cop, soldier or team athlete? These all function better in plurality.
And let me be candid: if you disagree with these points, you're being argumentative.
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